Dongpingzhuang village belongs to where

Dongpingzhuang Village [dōnɡpínɡzhuānɡcūn] is located at latitude 39°49′48.00″ north, longitude 118°20′35.00″ east, in the central part of Hazelnut Town, from Yongxinzhuang Village in the east to the village of the former Tie Village in the south, from the village of the northern Tie Village in the west to the village of the north to the village of the Zhuguanying. The total area of 0.54 square kilometers, arable land area of 660 acres, with a total population of 505 people, originally part of the town of hazelnut, in the south of hazelnut town, regulated in September 1958 for the Dongpingzhuang. 1958 is the hazelnut town of hazelnut town People's Commune Hazelnut Town jurisdictional area, called Dongpingzhuang brigade. 1961 belongs to the town of hazelnut town People's Commune. 1984 changed the community to build a town belongs to the town of hazelnut to the present day, called the Dongpingzhuang Villagers Committee.

Dongpingzhuang north-south terrain is situated, north-south length of 500 meters, east-west length of 130 meters, a main street, north-south, most of the land in Dongpingzhuang Zhuang north, northeast, the existing land of 660 acres, of which Xinglong accounted for 180 acres, the rest of the planting of corn-based for the villagers to live with. Dongping Zhuang housing to cottage-based, reinforced concrete, masonry structure, sitting north to south, the village streets all hardened, a total area of about 8200 square meters, the village has installed street lights, the village committee covered the office, the village committee before the entertainment, exercise, fitness tools for villagers to use.

Dongpingzhuang geographic location is superior, the transportation is developed, north of 102 national highway, east of the former Cao line, Beijing-Shenzhen high-speed, Beijing-Shenzhen highway, Jinqin high-speed in the village south of a kilometer, the street on both sides of the planting of hawthorn trees, the village completed the task of changing the toilet, and actively cooperate with the higher leadership, the village appearance of the village has undergone a sea change. Dongpingzhuang economic income to business-oriented and part-time jobs, in order to enrich the amateur cultural life of the villagers, the spontaneous establishment of the square dance team, the evening are to the square see activities.

Dongpingzhuang village and the first town village, Yongxinzhuang village, Xiaogang Shang community, the former iron village, Beitie village, Songjiayu community, Anlezhuang village, Zhu Guanying village, East Henanzhuang village, Bei Henanzhuang village, West Henanzhuang village, Wuzhuangzi village, Yangjiazhuang village, the city after the village neighbor.

Dongpingzhuang Village near the Langshidai Ruins, Luanzhou Ancient City, Hengshan Dajue Temple, Luanhe Iron Bridge, Luanhe Daitieqiao and other tourist attractions, there are Luanxian peanuts, Haojia Huozhao, Luanzhou honeydew melon, Luanxian Crystal Pear, Yufeng dried potatoes and other specialties.