What is the population of Jingning

Jingning County has a total population of 488,900 people (as of 2013), ethnic groups are mainly Han Chinese, and ethnic minorities are mainly Hui, living in a more concentrated. There are 5 towns and 19 townships under the jurisdiction of Jingning County, ****5 communities, 333 administrative villages, and 2,310 villager groups.

Jingning County belongs to Pingliang City, Gansu Province, is located in the eastern part of Gansu Province, west of the Liupan Mountains, east of Huajialing, east of Ningxia Lund County, south of Qin'an County, west of Tongwei County, north of Xijixian, northwest of the county adjacent to Huining County, southeast of Zhuanglang County, the geographic coordinates of the east longitude of 105 ° 20 '- 106 ° 05', north latitude of 35 ° 01 ' -35°45'. The county is 81 kilometers long from north to south and 68.75 kilometers wide from east to west, with a total area of 2,193 square kilometers.

In 2013, the gross domestic product (GDP) of Jingning County reached 3.414 billion yuan, an increase of 12.3% over 2012[3] and was recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture as the "Best Planting Area for Superior Apples on the Loess Plateau".