22444 Dancing hands like dancing 22426 Twisting+spinning 22824 Waving hands and kneeling up 2444 Twisting 22644 Upper body movement 2266 Hugging 22244 Hands flat 22844 Taking a hoe and digging 2424 Steps for girls Spinning+twisting 28464 Squatting up 2226 One-handed lifting 22448 Two-handed lifting and lifting leg'' 22484 Turning around Spinning 22646 Mahjong shuffle 24844 Super spin 28848 Sideways There are a lot of moves like this, so let's just say one. 22842 Jumping up on the ground 22684 Feet on the ground 22424 Rogue step 2486 Description: Draw a love heart and give it to your lover, and then you can do it as a couple. 28824 28224 486 264 2686 2682 2622 2: Retro: 22262 26486 Alternative Slide: 282 284 22828 28462 Shake: 22442 2462 24666 28446 28488 28466 (small shake) 28628 26646 There are many of them. 24228 1 for the beginning of 2 Others are Clapping: 2282 22422 2824 2822 POPIN:2224 22464 22466 22462 22842 22686 22686 22682 22624 24648 24668 24222 28846 28668 28244 28242 28266 2688 2628 26468 26846 26668 26268 3.25 Couple Steps L6: 434874 297648 964614 669881 423414 144227 227441 L7: 2774186 6349294 4643431 6437821 1494467 4793888 8913886 l8: 23398643 19874461 74194478 96728789 66419736 36386899 48323721 37273444 34416912 73236946 l9: 389463316 626973369 274194417 268771181 769172768 949869918 667843397 786899163 961976483 468111112 Men: L6: 494742 498618 433688 322218 678416 668347 L7: 6164796 6889714 4673788 6349294 9967613 6719286 1614322 4981436 l8: 23982921 81848133 96983498 76427327 12389881 77876267 37292238 91912622 71678483 13834768 l9: 744348331 998696378 389463316 237912188 237339482 891943267 929821932 487949363 271841114 Dance less than Stormy (167669123 677418873 948813833 968431187) There is also a set of Common, Men's Left and Women's Right ... The first free dance section after 7 sections Male:486555.Female:4865486 Male:4685846.Female:588585 Male:565,Female:684 Free Dance Steps 60 Storm Specific steps are as follows: (Please pay special attention to: the free mode of the free step is 5 directions, please add 4 in front of the following steps, that is, the fifth direction is 4 left) (4 means left 2 means down 6 means right 8 means up) 82 means right 8 means up) 8266 8222 8288 8244 8248 8282 8268 8264 Backflip 8246 Floor Cross 8286 8228 Double Handstand Jump 8284 Double Hand Turn 90 8644 Single Handstand Jump 8688 Floor 8666 Loopback + Drag Mas 8642 Side Flip 8646 Inverted Side Turn 8684 Drag Mas 8648 8668 Floor +90 8664 Double Handed Turn 90 8686 Single Handed Turn 90 8862 Double Handed Turn 90 8422 8466 8426 8424 Single Handed Turn 90 8462 8464 2888 Front Flip 2866 Front and Back Flip 2822 Windmill 2844 Head Turn 2886 Side Flip Turn 2868 Turtle Jump (Double Handed) 2862 Floor 2864 Loop 2846 2828 2826 2882 2884 windmill dragmaster combo 2848 one-handed handstand jump 2266 one-handed turn 90 2286 2288 2268 front roll 2262 dragmaster headturn combo 2264 2284 big loop 2282 2486 dragmaster 2488 2482 combo 90 turn 2462 2484 front roll 2624 2664 turtle jump (one-handed) 6688 8866 22684 Feet on the ground 22424 Hooligan Steps 2486 Description: Draw a love heart and give it to your lover. 22644 Upper Body 22444 Dancing Hands 22426 Twisting + Spinning 22824 Swinging Kneeling Up 2444 Twisting 22646 Sweeping Mahjong 24844 Super Turns 28848 Sideways There are a lot of moves like this, just to name one. 2266 Hugging 22244 Hands up 22844 Digging with a hoe 2424 Steps for girls Round and round with twisting 28464 Crouch up 2226 Hands up 22448 Hands up with legs up'' 22484 Turning around Mechanical steps: 2288 2262 24 886 2446 286 2888 28824 28224 486 264 2686 2682 2622 2 beginning with: Clap: 2282 22422 2824 2822 Vintage:22262 26486 POPIN:2224 22464 22466 22462 22842 22686 22686 22682 22624 24648 24668 24222 28846 28668 28244 28242 28266 2688 2628 26468 26846 26668 26268 Alternative Slide:282 284 22828 28462 Shake:22442 2462 24666 28446 28488 28466(Small Shake) 28628 26646 Also a lot on the The first one is the one with the beginning of 2
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