Chapter 1
Narrator: There is an old postman on Yushu Road. One day, there were two letters in his bag. When he left the post office, something happened.
Postman: Wow, today is a good day. I have to give some letters to someone. I love my job.
At this time, a car came to the postman, and the driver seemed to be drunk. So he didn't see the old postman clearly. Suddenly he found the postman and stepped on the brake. The postman was so surprised that he fell to the ground. But when he woke up, his glasses were broken.
Postman: Oh, my glasses, my dear glasses, how can I see the address? Oh, my God!
Narrator: So, this is the beginning of chaos.
Postman (holding Flo's letter): Emm, 10 Elm Road Billton, that may be Pippa's letter.
Narrator: At 10, there lived an enthusiastic pony fan. Her name is Pippa Jones. She has a pony named Bloom, who is the champion of high jump.
Pippa gave Blossom some oats and kissed him on the nose.
Pippa: My sweetheart, oatmeal is so delicious. You must like it.
Her father poked his head out the back door.
Dad: Pippa! There is a letter for you!
Pippa: Thank you, Dad. I love you. This letter is too important!
Pippa jumped up and shouted. She couldn't wait.
Pippa (reading this letter): Great! I rode Blossom in the Junior Cup. We are sure to win.
Narrator: The postman has gone and gone. Finally, he went to 79.
Postman: Hi, Mrs. Jones, there is a letter for your daughter.
Mrs Jones: Thank you.
Narrator: flo· Jones is crazy about football. Now, when her letter arrived, she was in the garden.
Flo wore her rover gear, took the ball over the cat and made a sharp turn around the swing.
Flo: Bang! (The ball hits the back door) Goal! What a beautiful goal! Messi is not as good as me!
Mom: Flo! Stop arguing and come in. If you are really talented, you may save a lot of money by teaching the China football team!
Flo: Oh, Mom. China football team is a hell. What happened?
Mom: There is a letter for you. Come on!
Flo: OK, Mom. (After reading this letter) Wow! I will take part in the cup final on Saturday. Redland Land Rover is sure to win.
chapter two
Narrator: Pippa and Flo can't wait for Saturday. They didn't notice that they took the wrong letter. On Saturday morning, Pippa rode Brewster to Redland Park, and she passed Flo.
They looked at each other.
Pippa: I can't imagine playing a stupid football game dressed like that. (whispering)
Flo: I can't imagine riding a boring old horse dressed like that. (whispering)
Narrator: Now they have gone to the wrong place. In Redland Park, Pippa was very confused.
Pippa: Excuse me, where is the jumping fence?
The rangers laughed.
Player 1: Are you okay? This is a football match. Pony can't play.
The captain looked at Pippa.
C: Have you seen flo· Jones? She hasn't come yet, and we are still short of a player.
Pippa: I don't know anyone named Flo. My name is Pippa Jones.
Captain: well, then you have to play, because we don't have much time to wait for Flo. Go and change quickly. Kick-off in five minutes.
Pippa: Oh, my God. I can't play, I, I … just a …
C: I don't know who you are. I have a lot of things to do. Let's go
They pushed her into the dressing room. They gave her a pair of football shoes and a shirt.
Pippa: Ah, shirts and boots are too big. The shirt reached my knee and my boots caught my foot.
Then the referee blew his whistle and started the game. The ball whizzed towards Pippa.
Pippa: What shall I do with it?
Captain: I kicked it like that.
Pippa played football.
Pippa: Hello! My toes!
The ball fell into the hands of a member of the blue team. Pippa tried to get it back. But she tripped over her shoelaces and fell into a muddy puddle.
Pippa: Who can help me! Mom, where are you? I want to go home! ~
This is a complete mistake! I'm in the wrong place!
chapter three
Narrator: This is Pippa's trouble. What about Flo? She went to the wrong place, too. She took part in the chestnut final.
Flo: What's this?
Trotter: It's a youth show. I'm Mr trotter, one of the judges. What's your name?
Flo:flo· Jones, I'm here to play football.
Mr trotter is not listening. He is busy looking at the list.
Mr trotter: Ah, yes, here you are. Miss Jones. You are the twenty-third jump.
Flo: Jump? Me? But I can't … I don't have a pony.
Mr. trotter: Good heavens! Didn't you bring a pony? Then we have to find one for you.
Flo is riding a little black horse. It hummed and stamped its feet.
Mr trotter: His name is Lei Ming. You have to let him know who is the boss.
Flo: I'm pretty sure he is the boss. I don't know how to ride, put me down! There is a mistake.
Mr trotter: Don't worry, dear. You're gonna be okay. Good luck!
Mr trotter patted Lei Ming on the back. The thunder galloped away and Flo clung to it.
Flo: Wow, who can help me? I don't like this. Ah ...
Mr. trotter: The next rider is Miss Pippa Jones from Thunder Band.
The crowd clapped.
Flo: But my real name is not Pippa! Somebody put me down.
Thunder rushed to the first fence. Flo closed his eyes.
Flo: My God!
Flo's hat slipped over her eyes.
Flo: Oh, I can't see anything.
Flo hung almost head down around Lei Ming's neck.
Mr trotter: What a strange way to ride. Now ladies and gentlemen, she and her pony come to the last one, give them warm applause!
Flo: He-help!
They landed with a bang. Then Flo fell to the grass. Everyone gathered around her. They picked her up and patted her on the back.
Mr trotter: Are you all right? Well done. Riding very well,
Flo: What happened?
Mr trotter: You won. You jumped all the fences in the fastest time. Now I will give you a silver cup. Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this year's Junior Cup is Miss Pippa Jones.
Flo: My real name is Flo.
chapter four
Narrator: Flo won the game. Where's Pippa? Look at another place. Pippa was unlucky, and her leg was hurt. She is wet and dirty, and her boots are killing her. Now the score is 2 to 2.
Pippa: I don't care about stupid scores, I just want the game to end.
The blue goalkeeper kicked the ball out. It bounced directly on Pippa. She is not happy to see it.
Pippa: Go away!
The ball hit the back of the net.
Rangers: Goal! What a great goal!
The moment the final whistle sounded.
Wanderer: Thank you, Pippa. We won, we won the Youth Cup.
They cheered her off the court.
Narrator: After the game, Pippa and Bloom set off for home together. On her way up Elm Road, she passed Flo.
Flo & Pippa: Your name is ... (smiling)
Pippa: Please.
Flo: Is your ... Pippa Jones?
Pippa nodded.
Pippa: Then you must be flo· Jones.
Flo: I must have received your letter. I went to see a pony show.
Pippa: I must have received your letter. I went to watch a football match.
They started laughing.
Pippa: Football is fun when you get used to it.
Flo: Riding a pony is really exciting.
Postman: Oh, I have a new pair of glasses.