What is the license plate number of Wuzhu Village

Wuzhu Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Weiyuan County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province, Wuzhu Town, urban and rural classification code for 121, the town center area. The zoning code is 621123103204, and the first 6 digits of the resident's identity card number is 621123. The postal code is 743000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0932, and the license plate number is Gan J. Wuzhu Village is adjacent to Sujiakou Village, Weiyuan Village, Lumatan Village, Guojiagou Village, Heiyinggou Village, and Luming Village.

Wuzhu Village is near Weiheyuan Scenic Spot, Shouyang Mountain, Weiyuan County Potato Science and Technology Demonstration Park, Weiyuan Ba Ling Bridge, Weihe Park and other tourist attractions, and there are specialties such as Huangxianggou Chicken, Weiyuan Potato Seed Potato, Weiyuan White Striped Party Ginseng, Weiyuan Codonopsis, and Weiyuan Vermicelli.