Wang Di Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Yin Cheng Street, Xiajin County, Dezhou City. The urban-rural classification code is 12 1, which is the town center. The zoning code is 37 142700 1277, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 37 1427. The postal code is 253200, and the long-distance area code is 0534. The license plates are Lu N. Wang Di Village and Dongyuan Community, Chaoyang Community, Fenghua Community, Kangda Community, Taihe Community, Xinglong Community, Yu Ying Community, Zhongshan Community, Xiguan Village, Nanguan Village, Beiguan Village, Nantunzi Village, Tapo Village, Wulizhuang Village, Daizhuang Village, Guozhai Village, Li Ji Village, Xuji Village, Shilimiao Village, Houzhao Village and Wulipu Village. Shanguantun West Village, Shanguantun North Village, Fengzhuang Village, Balizhuang Village, Ran Zhuang Village, Ranlou Village, Qianwangzhuang Village, New Wang Lou Village, Tangmeng Village, Liujiangzhuang Village and Zhushouzhuang Village.
There are tourist attractions such as Xiajin Yellow River Old Road Forest Park, Huailin Hunting Ground, Xiajin Longhu Park, Debai Hot Spring Resort and Xiajin People's Park near Wang Di Village. There are also specialties such as Xiajin Shenguo, Shuangwei Tendon, Songlou Huoshao, Xiajin Silver Noodles and Yicheng Pasta.