What is the nearest train station or high speed train station to Shanghai Grand Stage? How to get there?

Where are you from? or where to go, because of the three major railway stations in Shanghai, the direction of the train is different, you first determine what car

To the north to go, then basically in the Shanghai Station, to the south is the South Station, the high-speed train is Hongqiao Station and Shanghai Station, the South Station does not have a high-speed train

From the Shanghai Stadium (Shanghai Grand Stage) nearest to the Shanghai South Station, take the subway line 1 Xinzhuang direction 2 stops road 10 minutes to the Shanghai South Station. minutes to the Shanghai South Station, the ticket price of 3 yuan

Second is the Shanghai Station, Shanghai Sports Station by metro line 1 or line 4 25 minutes to the ticket price of 4 yuan

To the Hongqiao Railway Station, you take the metro line 4 to the Hongqiao Road station to transfer to line 10 to the Hongqiao Railway Station, the ticket price of 4 yuan, the time of 40 minutes or so
