How to practice the ghost step dance

Nowadays there are many people who want to learn Ghost Steps but don't know how to practice it, here are the basic steps of Ghost Steps.

1. Lift your right foot and reach forward, at the same time, row your left foot backward, change your left foot and repeat the above action. Practice a few more times and then speed up.

2. Stand with your feet 120° apart, tiptoe on your left foot, toes on the ground; cock your right foot, heels on the ground. Then slide to the left in a toe-to-toe stance, and do the same on the right.

3. Lift your right foot and lower it to the right side, moving your left foot with your body.

4. Lift your foot while turning in the direction of the lift.

5. Lift your right foot and drop it forward, jumping forward with your whole body, then follow with your right foot again and jump back.

Warm tips: When learning the Ghost Step dance moves, you should practice each move skillfully before you start practicing the next move.