The Panzer Song (Song of the 1st German SS Panzer Division)
Whether it's storms or snow,
Or the sun that smiles on us,
The hot day,
The cold night,
The dust that pours in our faces,
But we enjoy it,
We enjoy it,
We enjoy it,
We enjoy it,
We enjoy it,
We enjoy it,
We enjoy it,
We enjoy it.
We enjoyed the fun.
Our tanks roared forward,
accompanied by gusts of dust.
When the enemy tanks showed themselves,
we throttled up to full speed!
The value of our lives,
is to fight for the honorable army!
To die for Germany is the highest honor!
With thundering engines,
we charge the enemy like lightning behind solid armor plate.
Forward with our comrades, side by side,
That's why we were able to penetrate deep into the enemy's ranks.
Faced with the enemy's so-called barriers,
we give them a contemptuous scoff,
and then simply go around.
If the yellow sand ahead
hides the threat of artillery fire,
we find our own way,
and leap onto the path to victory!
If we are forsaken by Fate,
If we never return to our homeland,
If the bullet ends our life,
If we are in the end,
Then at least our faithful tanks,
Will give us a metal grave.
Our Rommel (German Afrika Korps Anthem)
We are the German Afrika Korps,
Bowing down to fight for our leader.
Like horrible lightning in a rainstorm,
Turning toms into a meal on a plate.
We defy the heat and the desert,
We defy the thirst and the sun,
We march to the rhythm of the army song.
Forward! Forward!
Forward, with our Rommel!
Tom sees us as a disaster,
Sitting disheveled and shivering.
Your territory spans east and west,
But you are a bunch of cowardly thieves.
Old Qiu and Old Luo roared,
We'll kick you out of here,
See the General has come to Africa.
Forward! Forward!
And our Rommel, forward!
The Song of the Assault Artillery (Wehrmacht Assault Artillery Anthem)
When the battle for victory reaches a fever pitch,
Forward, forward the chariots!
Assault guns move like iron fists,
Chariots forward, forward!
We tear through everything,
Nothing can stop us,
Not even the forests, deserts, and swamps,
With the God who makes us strong,
Assault guns charge forward!
Advancing on the enemy with the weapons that high technology has created for us,
The chariots forward, forward!
This is the spirit of our defense of our homeland.
Forward, chariot, forward! and the battle song of our assault guns.
It was so hard,
as we ourselves were true men,
After we realized death and passing,
Chariot forward Forward!
Now toward our better future,
Chariot forward, forward!
Our aspirations become goals,
We fight for a Germanic future!
Blood on the Parachute Rope, USA
He was just a new recruit,
Screaming with fear.
He checked all his gear,
with his pack strapped tight.
He had to sit there,
suffering the engine hum.
He would not stand up again.
Bloody, bloody, what a horrible way to die.
He would not stand up again.
"I said are you all happy",
The leader called out looking at the group.
Our hero timidly said, "Uh-huh".
So he was dotted by them,
he jumped into the icy cyclone,
and his ripcord was unhooked.
He would never stand up again.
Bloody, bloody, what a horrible way to die.
He would not stand up again.
He trailed off and counted in a long voice,
He counted out loud for fear of making a mistake,
He waited for the jolt.
He smashed through the wind,
He cracked the cold,
He crashed horribly downward from the heights.
The ribbons of his parachute fluttered,
and wrapped around his legs.
He would not get up again.
Blood, blood, what a horrible way to die.
He would not stand up again.
The swaying jumble in the air wrapped around his neck,
and the parachute cord shredded the top.
The hanging straps were knotted,
wrapped around his skin and bones.
The dome canopy became his shroud,
and he was hurled through the air and down to the ground.
He would not rise again.
Blood, blood, what a horrible way to die.
He would not stand up again.
His mind flashed back to the life he had lived, the emotions, the laughter.
He missed the girl next door,
the only person he'd held onto since he'd left.
He thought of the healers,
thinking of what they would find.
He would never stand up again.
Blood, blood, what a horrible way to die.
He would never stand up again.
The ambulance drove up to the designated spot,
The jeep braked sharply with panache,
and the doctors got out laughing and screaming.
Curled up in a sheet with a smile on his face,
because no one had been in trouble for skydiving for weeks.
He would never stand up again.
Bloody, bloody, what a horrible way to die.
He would never stand up again.
He fell to the ground,
With a sound that tore gold,
His blood rose like a fountain.
His buddies yelled,
That's a hell of a way to die.
He rolled on the ground a few times,
wrapped in his own plasma.
He would not get up again.
Blood, blood, what a horrible way to die.
He would not stand up again.
Blood stained the parachute cord,
Brains coated the canopy,
Intestines rattled against his paratrooper's shirt.
He became mush,
and people had to pour him out of his boots.
He would never stand up again.
Blood, blood, what a horrible way to die.
He would never stand up again.
Soviet Union The Unbreakable Union
Freedom **** and the State form an unbreakable union
The great Russia is permanently united
Hurrah, the will of the people!
Long live the unification of the great USSR!
Glory belongs to our free nation
The fraternity of the people is a sure bulwark!
Let the banner of the Soviets, the banner of the people,
Guide us from victory to victory!
The sun of freedom shines through the storm
The great Lenin lights our way
Stalin teaches us to be loyal to the people
Inspires us to labor and to merit!
Glory belongs to our free nation
The will of the people is a sure bulwark!
Let the banner of the Soviets, the banner of the people,
Guide us from victory to victory!
In battle we have nurtured our army
To wipe out the vile invaders!
We decide the fate of generations in battle
We lead our country to glory!
In the triumph of the everlasting ****ist ideology
We see the future of our country!
We will always be loyal
To the red flag of the glorious Fatherland
Glory belongs to our free country
The fraternity of the people is a sure bulwark!
The banner of the Soviets, the banner of the people,
Guides us from victory to victory!
"Song of the Patriots" (now the Russian national anthem)
Russia, our sacred motherland.
Russia, our lovely country.
Strong-willed and supremely glorious,
Your riches are far-reaching!
From the South Sea to the northern border,
Forests and fields infinite,
The world is yours alone,
You are the lovely homeland of God's blessing!
Looking to the time ahead,
Our life is full of hope.
Whether in the past, present, or future,
Loyalty to our homeland gives us strength!
Praise you, our free motherland,
You are the bastion of friendship between peoples.
The wisdom deposited by our ancestors,
Leads us to the distant land of victory.
Sacred War (Soviet Army Song)
Great nation,
Fight to the death,
To destroy the evil forces of fascism,
To annihilate the evil bandits!
The enemy and we are two extremes,
Everything goes against us,
We want light and freedom,
They want darkness to rule!
The nation roars,
Fight back against the executioner,
Fight back against the tyrannical predator and the cannibalistic beast!
Let no evil wing fly into our borders,
The wide fields of our motherland,
Let no enemy ravage!
Corrupt fascist demons,
Watch out for your heads,
Prepare the coffins for the unworthy sons of mankind!
Contribute all your strength and all your spirit,
Defend the dear Motherland,
The Great Union!
Let the noblest fury,
Roll like a wave,
Carry on the people's war,
The sacred war!
"Katyusha" (Soviet Army Song)
Just as the pear blossoms are blooming all over the sky,
A soft veil is floating on the river,
Katyusha is standing on the craggy bank,
Singing like the bright spring light.
The girl sings a beautiful song,
She sings of the eagle of the steppe,
She sings of her beloved,
And she hides her lover's letters.
Ah the song of the singing girl,
Follow the bright sun and fly away,
To the warriors on the far frontier,
To convey the greetings of Katyusha.
The young warrior on the frontier,
Who misses the distant girl in his heart,
Who fights bravely in defense of the motherland,
Katyusha's love belongs to him forever.
Just as the pear blossomed at the end of the world,
A soft veil floated on the river,
Katyusha stood on the steep bank,
and sang as if it were a bright spring day.
The Song of the Panzer Grenadiers
Hot days and dark nights,
How far from home.
Already through heavy and fierce battles,
There is no respite.
The engines run day and night,
We surge forward to fight,
Faithful tanks and our comrades united,
Always first to pummel the enemy.
Armored Bombardiers, forward, toward victory!
Armored Bombardiers, forward, we are on the offensive!
We're in Poland and France and the hot desert,
Every enemy faces death,
Until the last castle falls,
Enemies utterly defeated,
Thoroughly defeated by the Armored Throwers, Armored Throwers!
Russia's cold and rain and snow can't hold us back,
Even the sun's relentless baking,
Yes, we bear it gladly.
The Russians fled like flies,
and devastated them like steel,
and the faithful tanks and our comrades rallied together,
and attacked and searched for the remnants of the enemy without respite.
Really, my girl,
Keep all this in your heart,
when I return home.
Remember your armored bombardier,
for you will be proud of him.
The waiting is not as easy as the fighting,
Maybe the aim will never be reached,
Faithful tanks and our comrades unite,
Always first to pummel the enemy!
The Paratrooper's Song (German Airborne Army Song)
The sun glows red,
Get ready,
Who knows if it'll still smile on us tomorrow?
The engines start, full throttle,
Take off and take us on our way,
Today we go to face the enemy!
Board the plane, board the plane!
Comrades, it's a journey with no return.
There are dark clouds in the far east,
Come, don't lose heart, come!
The engines roar, and with thoughts alone,
Each man's thoughts quickly skim over his loved ones at home.
In an instant, comrades, comes the signal to jump,
We fly to the enemy,
and there light the beacon's warning fire.
Fast landing, fast landing!
Comrades, that's a journey from which there is no return.
There are dark clouds in the far east,
Come, do not lose heart, come!
We are few in number,
Our blood boils,
We fear neither the enemy nor death,
We have but one task:
We are in danger,
Germany is in peril,
Go to the battle, go to the victory, go to the death.
Pick up your rifles, pick up your rifles!
Comrades, it is a journey from which there is no return.
There are dark clouds in the far east,
Come, don't lose heart, come!
The Stuka Song (The German Pilot's Song)
Many blackbirds fly over field and sea,
And where they appear, the enemy flees in every direction.
They can suddenly rush straight from the sky towards the bombing target.
Chiseling their noble claws hard into the heart of the enemy.
We are the black cavalry of the sky.
Stuka, Stuka, Stuka!
Always ready if an order calls us.
Stuka, Stuka, Stuka!
We swoop down from the sky and attack.
We're not afraid of hell, no time to rest,
The enemy crumbles across the land until the last one falls.
Go to England, go to England, until England is vanquished.
Stuka, Stuka, Stuka!
Even if there are millions of flames,
Even if they're surrounded by danger,
They're always united like steel,
Combatants, we live and **** and die together,
And if it finds a target,
Then it'll never be allowed to escape safely.
Nothing escapes its eyes,
Stuka, eagles of steel!
They spread death and destruction over the land of the enemy,
and wherever they go there is rubble, wreckage, and flames from factories towering into the sky.
Their name is always spoken,
They have destroyed many factories,
Buried countless ships in the depths of the sea!
March of the Volunteer Army (This one is the most exciting, i.e. it is the national anthem as well as the military anthem)
Military Anthem of the People's Liberation Army (PLA)
Song of the Guerrillas (This one is supposed to be an old revolutionary song but it's very catchy.)
Military Personnel (The Soldier's Colors)
China Military Spirit (China Military Spirit)
Strength of the Darkness (China Hawk)
Power of the Darkness (Chinese Eagle) )
"The Song of the Panzergrenadiers"
"The Song of the Panzergrenadiers" (anthem of the 1st SS Panzer Division of Germany)
"The Lightning Regiment is Marching"
"Our Rommel" (anthem of the German Afrika Korps)
"The Song of the Assault Guns" (anthem of the Wehrmacht's Assault Gun Corps)
"The Song of the Armor-Throwers" (German SS Panzer Grenadier anthem)
The Paratrooper's Song (German airborne anthem)
The Stuka Song (German pilot's anthem)
Blood on the Parachute Rope (U.S. Army anthem of the 101st Airborne Division)
The Unbreakable Union (Soviet Union national anthem)
Patriot's Song (now Russian national anthem)
"Holy War" (Soviet Union military anthem)
"Katyusha" (Soviet Union military anthem)
"March of the Warships" (Japanese naval anthem)
"Song of the Kenshi of Edojima" (Japanese naval anthem)
"The Song of the Kwantung Army" (Japanese military anthem of the Kwantung Army)
World War II German anthem "Panzerlied" <
The air is full of tension, the war is coming,
Tears are streaming down my mother's face, the motherland is behind me,
The enemy's footsteps are heard in the distance, the earth is trembling,
It is the time to stand up for what's right, the blood has already been pumping,
The last leaf on the dry branch is knocked down by the cold wind.
Lightning tore through the weight-bearing blackness in the distance, and lo and behold, it was the SS troops advancing.
Whether facing storms or snowflakes, or the sun smiling down on us;
Fiery days, cold nights, dust in our faces,
But we enjoyed it, we enjoyed it.
Our tanks roared forward, accompanied by puffs of dust.
When the enemy tanks showed themselves, we throttled up and moved forward at full speed!
The value of our lives is to fight for our glorious army!
To die for Germany is the highest honor!
With thundering engines, we rush like lightning behind solid armor plates towards the enemy.
Forward with our comrades, side by side,
That's why we were able to penetrate deep into the enemy's (tank) ranks.
In the face of the enemy's so-called barriers, we give them a contemptuous scoff and simply bypass them;
If in the yellow sands ahead lies the threat of that artillery fire,
we find our own way and leap onto the path that rushes to victory!
If we are forsaken by Fate, if we can never return to our homeland
If bullets end our lives, if we are on the ropes,
then at least our faithful tanks, will give us a metal grave.
Chinese-German-Soviet-American-Japanese Military Songs Comparison
The National Party's Military Songs during the War of Resistance
Jun see, Han's final army, the weak crown ties the captors to ask for a long tassel;
Jun see, Ban Dingyuan, the Jedi's light cavalry urges the war clouds!
A man should be a man of great danger, how can he let the Confucian crown miss this life?
The country is in danger, and there is no stopping for the feathered diatribe!
Forsaking my old pen, I have put on my war belt.
One call for more than 100,000 comrades, singing the war song, and all join the army.
All join the army, clean up the dust, and vow to sweep away the Japanese!
It is a great honor to be a part of this event, and I am proud to be a part of it.
The flag is spreading and the sun is not shining.
The air is blowing Tai Bai into the moon, and the force is pulling the long vector to shoot the wolf in the sky.
Cai Shi was restored to Jinling in a year, and Jilu and Jihei were leveled,
Breaking the wave of the ship out of the Liaohai Sea, and the iron bird in the sky swooped down on Tokyo!
One night the Japanese were crushed, and the waters of the Pacific Ocean were all red.
The Han flag was raised at the top of Mt. Fuji, and the drunken concubines were under the cherry blossom trees.
There were thousands of people on the way back, and flowers were thrown in front of the horses.
The lintel of the door was shining with smiles, and the village was full of joy and proud of the red face.
The history of the country is a clear indication of the first merit of China, and from now on China will be known as Changxiong.
We still have the power to punish injustice, and we want to make sure that all mankind around the world will be able to enjoy the winds of the Han Dynasty together