This time I thought: before the square dance is the hobby of aunts, now a lot of uncles generation also joined in, look at the clean and sharp pace, I know that jumping to the square dance is really very effective for exercise, to try more. In addition to physical exercise, square dancing also meets the social needs of the elderly.
When I came back from the supermarket, it was almost 11:30, and I found that there was only one aunt left who was still swaying to the music.
I don't know if this auntie is because she didn't have a good time, or her family doesn't need her to go back to eat with them, or there's no one waiting for her to go back to her family's stressful situation.
I can't help but think of an online segment, a group of people are dancing in the park in the morning, it was about a piece of companion pension, play together. The result is almost to noon, one after another aunt was called away by the family, there are picking up grandchildren from school, there are children from the field back to ...... the last only aunt left alone to stay in place, helpless sigh.
This is no children, lonely old age?
Sometimes I really wonder what will happen if there are no children.
It's not that having children is the only thing you can count on or rely on. When we live a life of luxury and material prosperity, and no longer worry about making a living, we can certainly be happy, and we can do whatever we want to do, and we can be happy on our own, and we can live according to our own wishes.
But when that moment comes, when people around us are full of children and grandchildren, if they don't have children, they seem to be very lonely, and still have the ability to stay happy and happy every day?