Winter with the lower temperatures, usually adhere to the body of the crowd gradually appeared polarized, a cold no longer go out in the nest at home to get warm; two is to adhere to the previous work and rest time five or six o'clock get up and go out to exercise. I think that both ways are not desirable, then how to exercise properly in winter, here we take a look.
Select the right time to exercise. Many people are accustomed to exercise in the morning, but due to the morning of the human body's blood sugar is low, blood viscosity, and winter morning temperatures are lower, the air is higher in carbon dioxide content, if the fasting exercise may be due to hypoglycemia, cardio-cerebral disease caused by fainting or sudden death, especially middle-aged and elderly people should pay more attention to. So the winter exercise time is best chosen at six o'clock in the afternoon after dinner.
Choose the right place to exercise. Many people like to go to the gym, clubs and other indoor running, aerobics and other aerobic exercise, especially in winter cold, many young people prefer these indoor sports, but the poor quality of indoor air coupled with more people to exhale the exhaust, the smell of sweat, so the winter workout is still to choose the outdoor air fresh place.
Choose the right way to exercise. Winter human body affected by cold air, joints, muscles, ligaments, flexibility, ductility are significantly reduced, so winter should not be high-intensity strenuous exercise, the best choice of brisk walking, jogging, tai chi, yoga and other ways to exercise the body.
Selecting the right way to exercise breathing. Many people are accustomed to exercise with the mouth for air, especially when running, but the cold air is easy to enter the lungs and abdominal cavity through the mouth to trigger a variety of negative consequences, while breathing through the nose not only can filter, purify the air, but also improve the air temperature, so the winter exercise is best to use the nose to breathe,
Choose the right exercise weather. Winter due to the cold air is often foggy weather, due to foggy air humidity, and fog beads contain a lot of dust, pathogenic microorganisms and other harmful substances, these harmful substances will certainly enter the human body with the exercise of breathing triggered by a variety of discomforts.
When exercising the body must pay attention to warmth, do not begin to exercise to take off the clothes, to wait until the body is slightly warm and then gradually reduce the clothes, and do not exercise after the sweaty and then take off. In addition, the preparatory exercise before exercise is also very important.