Request the full text of the poem written by Gu Cheng at the age of thirteen

I was a willful child

Perhaps I was a child spoiled by my mother

I was willful

I wished

Every moment

was as beautiful as a colored crayon

I wished I could draw

On the beloved white paper

Drawing the freedom of clumsiness

Drawing an eye that never <

The eye that weeps

A sky

A feather and a leaf that belongs to the sky

A pale green night and an apple

I wish to paint mornings

The smiles that the dew

Can see

The smiles of all the youngest

Part of a love that is free from pain

She has not seen a cloud

Her eyes are the color of the clear sky

She will always look at me

Always, looking

Never suddenly drop her head

I would like to paint distant landscapes

Paint clear horizons and watery waves

Paint many, many happy streams

Paint the hills --

Growing pale fuzzy hair

I keep them close together

Make them love each other

Make every silent promise

Every burst of quiet springtime excitement

Become the birthday of a little flower

I want to paint the future, too

I want to paint the future

I don't know what it is, I want to paint the future.

I've never seen her, and I can't

But know she's beautiful

I paint her fall trenchcoat

Painting all those burning candles and maple leaves

Painting so many hearts extinguished by love for her

Painting weddings

Painting the festivities of waking up one morning after the next --

Topped with glass candy paper

and illustrations of northern fairy tales

I was a capricious child

I wanted to paint away all misfortunes

I wanted to paint all the windows on the earth

so that all the eyes accustomed to darkness

all accustomed to the light

I want to paint the wind

the mountain ranges that are taller than one another

the longing of the Oriental peoples

the sea-

the boundless pleasant sound

and finally, on the corners of the paper

p>I'd also like to draw myself

Draw a tree bear

He sits in the dark Victorian slave forest

Sitting on a peaceful branch


He has no home

No heart that stays in a faraway place

He has only, many,many

Berry-like dreams

I'm hoping

I'm thinking

But somehow

I didn't receive a crayon

I didn't get a colorful moment

I only have my

My fingers and traumatic pain

Only to tear up that piece of

beloved white paper


Let them go in search of butterflies

Let them disappear from this day

I am a child

A child spoiled by a fantasy mother

Love diary

I seem, at last

touch the moon

Green, oozing blue

It's a piece of very thin metal button, I believe

Nailed to the purple velvet sky

Started, started very cold

The floating handkerchief


Stopped, drifted away again

On the brown Samoan shores

The bride is walking to the ocean

Don't, don't imagine

Behind the eternal canopy

there's going to be a Pair of white doves

Sleeping, loosening their wings

Just forgotten kisses

Still warming the southwesterly winds of home

No, there is no flight

February, 1982

It is indeed the world

It is indeed the world

A holiday for the lilacs

She's there, talking to a companion

She's nineteen

Behind her are April and May

I see her clearly

In the middle are the fields

I see you clearly in your lightest hair

A purple storm is drifting across the fields

A pretty storm, O pretty storm

How do you like the lake

How many do you want, the loose otter ones

The flowers are tattooed with rolls of thin gold

How many do you want, is that enough

The corollas are strewn on red gummy soil

I answered no, I answered

May, June, July

Morning breaths are a little hotter

Those flowers are a little farther away

I haven't lived in the world

July 1983

White night

In the Eskimo's snow hut

Burns a

whale light

It burns thick

Shakes thick shadows

Shakes sleepy paddles and homemade clocks

The Eskimo Man

He was young, and the sun never

Crossed over his head

Blessed him with brown whiskers

He could only lie gravely on

White bearskin and listen to how the ice

Bursts in the distance

Crystalized shards and glides through the storm

He thinks of life

He thinks about life p>His wife

Wearer of beloved strings of glass beads

From on high, tossing pallets

of freshly exchanged clothes

at him

Burying his mighty, sluggish questions

He had only her

himself, and the faintly bobbing Arctic Ocean

A whale's light

July 1981


Many warm-brown birds

disappeared at

Earth's End

A flock of mighty albizia trees

was calling me to go with them

They were my traveling companions

The wood grain in their hearts

wanted to be as beautiful as an echo

I can't face their call

I smile

I can't say, no

I know they're going for

that metal moon

To wipe

with their hands


The wet earth from it

I can't say, no

Can't honestly answer

That piece of moon

I lost it

I lost it on purpose

Because I liked it

For some reason

And to lose it where it could be found

Now that they're gone

Don't ask, all right

Shut the wooden windows

Don't listen to the news from the riverbanks

Let that sail fall still

I want to see

your whole sky

Don't ask me about my past

The stale coral trees

The city that floats in mud and flotsam under the water

The boat has come alongside

The roads have disappeared in foam

I'm back. p>

I'm back

That's the whole story

I'm going to let go of my shoulder pocket

Let it fall to the floor

With a heavy thud

Thinking is not moving

I'm tired

I'm going to dance

To be in the transparent flames

Become as easy as ashes. Easy

Don't ask, I'm tired

Tomorrow is still on the other side of the night

It's still a long way off

Fish in the Arctic Ocean

Now, won't dream about us

I'm tired, so tired

I want to rest for a moment in your gaze

May 1982

Not Goodbye

We've been saying goodbye for two years

What happens to goodbyes

It's always goodbye

Tonight, you're really going away

Really going away, not goodbye

What else is needed?

Hands are cold, no handkerchief

Is it a letter? A letter?

In that world of paper stacks

there was a garden of ours

We used to roam the garden

drawing patterns on the clean steps

We danced with the patterns

jumping, forgetting that the sky was dark

The huge sparks were still spinning slowly

Now, it is better to let the The flame read through

It smiles brightly

How warm it is

How I'd like you to look at me again

And yet, no, the smoke's drifting away

You go away, the love hasn't burned out

The road's still visible

Go away, farther and farther

When it all fades away in a bugle's song

And you will see the fence of dawn

Please open the flap of that fence

Stand still, stand still

Sleep peacefully like a flower

You will get the sun in silence

Get the sun, that's my wish

October 1981

Peeling back the pomegranate

On the Andaman Sea Drifting free

Stone on the Andaman Sea

I reach out my hand

and giggle to God

We need a glass of sweet wine

Each waking up alone

Can see a sea of sorrow

Sagacious stars

Like a blanket of snow

Slowly sloshing in front of my eyes Drifting

Just like that without end

The greatest purgatory is the pipe

One tooth

A few dusty froths of light

God has never relied on making something out of nothing

How much longer will those lights have to live

Soft hands are praying over and over again

Songs from the other side of the sea

It's the same song

Gently pecking through our universe

February 1984

Waiting for dawn

This night

The winds were quiet

The bridge railings like bamboo worms

Crawled silently

Carrying away the little bushes of the twilight and

His lover

I was waiting

The bells

Sinking into the ocean

The limestone churches are dissolving on the shore

Are turning into a sandy soil

After a terrible downpour

To be warm and wet

I waited

I stood

Covered in bright tears

I stood alone

High above the happiness

High above the sky so heavy that it no longer trembles

Top of the brownish-gray column

A white cloud rested

At last

The ball fell apart

A group of bat-stars passed by

They wore brooches of gold

They squeaked:

You're so silly,

the lamps are asleep

all have given themselves to the mediocre darkness

the shadows have all gone home, go away

nobody knows that you


this kind of loyalty

and so on

You do know

you need

You light over all the stars and lamps

I know it too

And when all is still

After everything goes out in sleepy disappointment

You will come

Only then will you come from behind

Close to me

Before the first birdsong wakes up

Take off your long, pale-green scarf

You are the dawn

February 1982

Superimposed Shadows

I am a warrior of the East with a golden helmet

My short sword has the Sun Jewel

I cross the ocean and there is no one who can stop me

I don't have an imaginary sister

If I had a sister, I'd want to be like her

Souls like her can't be distinguished.

She's in the front, she's in the back, and the soul's in the middle

Long hair soaked through her dressing gown

She wouldn't let her black hair fall apart in the spring

She lives in a forest of shining cedars

The stream is thin and shiny under every tree

The slow iron axe strikes in the depths

Old Thunderbolt worked as a woodcutter, too.

Footprints of translucent silver were left everywhere

There was mud even in the clear sky

Dark clouds, like a flock of strange birds, perched on the bottom of the pool

She would not suddenly disappear with a roar

She would not be afraid that I would surpass myself

She would not raise and set down the red earthenware vase

The timid beasts were painted upon it

The cedar wood, only it shines day and night

Sections make up paths in the water

The red shell is the roof of her dwelling

She closes the wooden door and never comes out

There are no lamps outside the dense hedge

The little monkey's tail curls up into a ball

What flickers on the breath of the male swineherd

Sighs that are Fiery, fiery sighs

No more sighs, no more hedges

The flow of life has no beginning and no end

O barefooted spring, walking on the wet ground

The shadow of the mint grass is extraordinarily cool

I will love her clear as a brother and sister

As a small fish born in the same spring water

I will spread myself Scattered among the knocks

I will gather into the shadows of her water

June 1982

The age of understanding

Everyone is looking at me

All the flaming fingers

I avoid the sunlight and walk among the side cypresses

Not to look at the spring of the women

Green bricks in the red meadow

Men as hairy as big banyan trees

I go to the cafeteria to eat

Wooden chopsticks tapping there

Diagonal gardens

Children walking by contain gold

March 1984


The sky is gray

The road is gray

The building is gray

The rain is gray

In the midst of a dead gray

Walked two children

One bright red

One pale green

July 1980

Harbor Sketching

On the pale night sea

Scattered with dawn's fleet

Freshly painted On the taillights

Giant dew glistened

How those bent anchor chains

Wanted to be pulled straight

The iron anchors wanted to shrink aside

To turn into raptor's sharp claws

Free from a coil of rope

The boy only unfurled his body

He squinted his tiny eyes

And began to yearn for the sky

With infinite freedom

The waterfowl are weary

They fold their beautiful wings

Toward folding fans

The swans

Preparing for a long voyage

They dictate from their cages

They advise the clouds

To hold on to their naps

The air is always fresh


The masts breathe y

The slipping shadows

Cover half the deck

No one reaches out

To lift the dusk

The deeps are silent as evening

Filled with cool hints

The sea-bed of algal filaments

Shines magnificently,

The long-lying sea-bed

Shines magnificently, too.

The sea urchins that lie prone for so long

look very odd

The souls that rest here

always lack the pains of insomnia

Even the obligation to breathe

is fulfilled by the tides

They're not teenagers

Not to stand up suddenly

But if a fleet of ships passes

They also dream of birds. Would dream of flocks of birds

April 1982

Perhaps, I'm blind

Perhaps, I'm blind

I can only touch you with my voice

I can only reach out to you with poems open like palms of my hands

My brothers on the other side of the Atlantic

Red, pale, blue, black

The flowers on the other side of my Atlantic began to weep

The sound traveled through the infinite void

July 1983

The land is crooked

The land is crooked

I can't see you

I can only see from afar

The blue sky over your heart

Blue? It's so blue

That blue is language

I want to make the world feel good

A smile but it's frozen on my lips

Better give me a cloud

Wipe away the sunny hours

My eyes need tears

My sun needs to sleep in peace

January 1981

My Heart Loves the World

My Heart Loves the World

Loves, and on a winter's night

Asked her softly, like a pure

wildfire, kissing all the grass

The grass is warm, and at the end

There's a frozen lake, with perch sleeping at the bottom

My Heart Loves the World

She Dissolved, like a frosty flower

Dissolved into my blood, and she

Flowed kindly, from the sea to the

Mountains, and flowed, and made the eyes blue

Made the mornings rosy

My heart loved the world

I loved, and painted her with my blood

Lovely side-by-side likenesses

The corn and the strings of beads of the stars do not shine

Some are tired and turn their heads

Turn their heads to admire an advertisement

June 1981

I believe in song

I believe in singing

Dawn is loud and clear, and the geese

Rise in rows

On the lighted Floating around the edges

Tiny snowshoe hares

Running as if there were gunshots

Over very low

Fish resting on the side of the sluice

Fog, slowly melting away

Like glutinous paper

As if there were gunshots

Over the little wooden bridge

Best of all were the villages

Those roofs with hard bristles

Some flowers bloom in dreams

Turning smiles into tears

So cleanly

Waiting for a kiss, a teenager

Woke up early

Staring dully at the roofs

Cargo drums tinkled yesterday

He didn't believe in peppermint candies a long time ago

Didn't believe in spring hearts

It's green, green


I believe in song

In the freshest cornfields

Seeds that turn to jewels

Wooden castles

Started to cackle and shake, earthquakes

All the windows won't open

Doors, doors. The stairwell

spewed forth ethereal flames

Doors! Behind the door the Madonna

has grown old

Quickly droop its wings and pine a little

Shut off the gas niche lamps

All is silent

The sun is coming out

All is quiet

The sun is coming, and it swims like an amoeba

Swimming, stretching out pseudopods

The >Inside it fills with bright lava

And the curtains flutter before they burn

Reflections suddenly rush into City Hall from all sides

Declaring the occupation

Morning is a young commune

Declaring: confiscation of stars

I believe in the song

Milky clouds dissolve the stained glass

Dripping to the ground

Shaking everywhere with dubious

enthusiasm, fire out of the pipes

Flowing to the ground, sandy soil

Sticky as sugar

Revealing little by little a white-hot desire

Shaking everywhere with dubious

Brightness, breath

Breathe, wake up, wake up

Unceasingly hide the wine

Pump the seven-colored flowers

Splash the world with specks of oil

Pump the seven-colored flowers quickly

Furniture lumbering across the street

Pumping over and over at the water's edge

Giant winds gushing out of the organ cases

Negroes forming a brass band

Thunder rolling down the steps

Rope, quick tether the wind

Rope! Work shoes float on the sea

Oceans are collapsing

Quickly tether canvas flocks

I believe in song

Only song, wet

On the little graveyard

Scattered uncarved stones

Golden gumboots

Recorded wars

I've done my I have done all I can do

The forests and the wheat fields have been harvested clean

I have done all I can do

Only the singing hummingbirds

still fly around the cane

I walked for a long time

Sitting down again and rubbing the dry earth from my hands

After a while

I heard another voice

That of You

plucking the bushes on the other coast

You smiled, the towel had been blown dry

The sky was clouded with pale blue water

You laughed, plucking at the bushes

The sun that seeped through the clouds

Sometimes appearing, sometimes disappearing, you laughed

To the east

Shaking the flurries of showers from the head

I believe in song

March 1983

Designing a Reunion

Coal-ash-stained vehicles

wobbled and rolled in the middle of the road

We meet again

Me, supposedly old

have forgotten how to jump

Smiling like a snapped Straw

And you, how shall I put it

Eyes like drops of golden honey

Healthy enough to want to rule the world

Wanting to shine on the morning sun and bread

The station raises its arms

But its tentacles droop in the dark sky

You ask me

What I'm doing

And I say, I'm I'm making up an allegory

At the edge of a square

there are many steps

which are so untidy that they are damaged like teeth

and the crevices are netted with sand

My duty

is to take a walk

there to study the laws of traffic of ants on crosses

Surely such a thing is not to be done, and I'm not sure that it is. p>

Of course such work

isn't much

It's almost dark

Go away, turn away

Let the red and green market sing behind

The dying flowers

Still surrounded by the grasses

Warming up to the big heifers smiling all the while

Pouring pure white milk into the Darkness

After the soul is quiet

The blood has many more ages to flow

March 1982

No coloring intent

My land

Fevered like the palms of my hands

My winters


He's melting

In the faintly sticky of love

in becoming fresh

foam and fish

and the dog would appear

would turn his back

like hiding a thousand years of shame

far away from the broken bricks

far away

from the city of sniffing

yellowish, whitish watery breath

driven into the field ridges

He'll sneeze

Then hit it

Let the bubble-bagged fields


Slowly squeeze the sky

Hit it

Don't stop

In the sting of wakefulness

Stop is the rock

It's the wriggling beastie on the black graveyard

The twisted beastie< boat to sail away

She was imprisoned by a little spell

A digitally curled tongue

She guarded only the fine waves of the Gulf of Aden

She kept thinking

The man who loved her was chopping down a poplar

The tree was being lifted into the boat yard, and the birds chirped loudly

Pistols went off

Dreams tinkled on the liquor cabinet

Someone lost to death on the spot

November 1984

Many hours, like smoke

There were many hours, like smoke

Many smokes departed from the flowers and grasses

The little red eyes were triumphantly bright

I know these are tears streaming up to the sky

I know it's a little late

These flowers are turning into patterns

They're turning into delicate vials of water in candlelight

It's a little late, the sky is getting darker

The huge flowers reach out to us

The huge splash of tearful dawn

The colorless, harmless tears of the darkness

I know they're still talking about yesterday

I know they're still talking about yesterday<

They're saying

The bullet hit the brass plate

The voice is gone, there's smoke

There's tumbled over sugar paper

Many fragments of failure sinking in the harbor

It's a little late, the water's turning to illusory dust

Today without time

Over all the supple dreams

Light is a stream

It has been walking carefully for a thousand years

September 1983


Because of the birthday

I was given a colorful money clip

I didn't have any money

And I didn't like those tedious pennies

I ran behind that quaint, big mound of dirt

to see the little flowers that loved me

I said, I've got a storehouse now

for flower seeds

The money clip was really full of them

Some of them were black and shiny

Like strange little eyes

And I said, Don't be afraid

I'm going to take you all to the spring home

There you'll get

There you'll get

a short green blouse

and a cloth hat with colorful lace

I've got a little money clip now

I don't want any money

No pennies that won't sprout

I just want to be filled with little flower seeds

I want to know their birthdays

December 1981

Just in that little village

Just in that little village

Dressed in the garb of a ginkgo tree

There was a man, and it was me

Squinting my morning eyes

White shimmering sands

More minute fly-shells unbroken

Transparent mountains lurked around me

Spring like water of the wind

No seaweed in the lake of your eyes

A village without paint

Watching the sun under deep green water

We love the village of the sun

Living in your love

Breathing once in a long time

Far away from the moorland shimmers the water flow

Village with leaves flying

We have a clearing

Not to ask what fate knows

November 1983


Rain, sowing moans,

The sky looks like it's been hit with gas,

The paths are covered in slush,

The trees, tall and short,

Drooped in dark green cloaks.

No one left again,

and no one came.

The rusted round door tilted,

revealing a patch of grass.

August 1979

Separate Seas

I'm not going to the sea

to fetch blue ice

I'm going to the sea to catch fish

Those white-haired waves

are leaning against the reef

examining the old army hats

taking turns to sigh

You say, the sea


the sea

where you say.

There's delicious ice floating

Don't sigh

And don't catch the old fisherman's goldfish

The sirens are like hydrozoans

They're very small in guts

Don't fish for oriental bottles

There's a devil in there who's angry

I didn't bring my gear

Not a heavy suspicion and a gun

I brought my heart Went

I thought, to the open sea

Just say, love you

The fish will follow me

Swimming to land

I said, don't you close the window

Don't you move the lamp

Let it burn in the gold enameled floral pattern

I like delicate praise

Like the sea breeze loves your hair

Don't close the window

Let the sea breeze caress it thoroughly

I am trying to make you dream

There's a shadow

Floating on the deep abyss of the sea

The rain is pounding on the planks of the ship

There's another world where there's no cry

The iron anchor silently

Passes through the A clump of seaweed

You say, can hear

Singing between the storms

Standing like a man

Shaking the thick brown rope

You say, can you still see

The water opening up

Underneath is

The dark smooth current

I'm still thinking about the bottle

rising slowly from the broken bones of a ship

it was made in China

painted with pale green Song Dynasty water patterns

painted with fish and starry nights

the pale green water patterns were their conversations

And the bay

the pointy-hat cottage

that you

windows open in the morning

You slumber in your dark hair

Hands hiding in the fine silken sand

That china vase

Will still be turning

August 1982

I don't know how to love you

I don't know how to love you

Smugglers still breathing on the island

That crabbing little light

is still on, red

Very mysterious, heathen

Still sailing in the icy water

Rubbing oil on the animal-skin sails

Waxing the oars

Rolling the bilge's damp casks


I don't know how to love you

There's murderous weapons on the shore, there's black boots

there are nights in police uniforms

there are pull shirts, shells cracked

clouds as rough as limestone

clouds that are gathering

that are weeping silently

salty and low, crying

little girls in the grassy blues

without releasing their mackerel

I don't know how to love you

in the puddles of varying heights

there are oysters, and a

path pressed by rocks

leads to the bottom of the sea, where the water drops


quenches the torch that plummets

Lead black and congealed

Water drops rattle

For a century, the water drops

I don't know how to love you

On the way back to the village

I turned into a dog, tirelessly

intimidating the ocean, forbidding

it to walk in, whoever sleeps

I'm still barking

making echoes

Scales glistening in the soft earth

Winds sighing in the rough earth

Flat snails licking Tear stains

I don't know how to love you

There's iron on the door, and rusty rain on the sea

Some sleep in beds

Some float on the sea

Some sink to the bottom of the sea

Comets are a kind of cutlery

The moon is a silver cup

Always floating, filled with the slice of

Beautiful lemon, beautiful

Stop it, I don't know

I don't know myself

February 1983


Please open the window and caress the fluttering autumn breeze

Summer is like a cup of strong tea, clarified at the moment

No more nightmares, no more curled up shadows

p>My breath is a cloud, my wish is a song

Please open the window and I will come

Your black hair is floating, behind you is the clear sky

Rattling rooftops, soft flags and people

They walk tiny and don't raise the gray skies

I've already come, no more waiting hard

Just close your eyes and you can Find the lips

There was once a boat that floated from the riverbank to the steep wall

The sunlight tilted like wood pulp and dipped in cold dreams

Ho, there is no king of kings or spirit of all spirits

You're my beloved, my indestructible life

I'll be in your blood, telling of all that's far away

The earth is a mausoleum covered with the sound of memories

August 1982

The Alley

The Alley

The Alley

Curved and long

No door

No window

I take an old key

Tapping on the thick wall

June 1980

Sometimes I really want

Sometimes I really want

Sometimes I really want to <

To go to the seaside all night long

To the summer resort

To the middle of the tired dunes

To collect warm bottles of ___

White as daylight, green as sea water

And brownish-yellow

And angry that no one pays attention to it

And I know

That the one who sings drunken songs The man

will come again, the coins in his pocket

will still be wrong-toothed as usual

He smiles a crooked smile

and sprays contempt in my face over and over again

Oh, great, I'll be waiting

Waiting and waiting and waiting

Then it's time, the big bells will boom

I'll throw it all away in the tremor

To enjoy it.

To enjoy the pleasantness of the bursting

I'm going to leave the world in beautiful dangerous pieces

Let the red-eyed gods and bosses

Take their time cleaning up

June 1982

Maybe, I shouldn't have written the letter

Maybe, I shouldn't have written the letter

I shouldn't have spoken with my eyes

I shouldn't have spoken with my eyes

I am bound to the rock by a coarse life

Bearing the thirst of dreams

Bearing the sound of the auctioneer's valuation

Crawling over my body

I will be decided by the world

I will be decided by the world

But never decided by the world

I strive

As if just to tighten the noose

I shouldn't write a letter

I shouldn't, please don't read it

Keep it in the flame

Until the long night comes

July 1981



Flashes in the sky

Buried by dark clouds again

The storm washes away,

the negatives of my soul.

June 1979

It was winter on the yellow road

It was winter on the yellow road

Pebbles piled up on the side of the road

Dust rested in the pale sunlight

Keeping its body heat in the cold

We were tired of walking

You said, "Can't see that empty house

Maybe there isn't, let's sit down

There's an earth bank here

I'm familiar with the hay on the earth bank

They break

offering what little affection they have left

They tell me

Everything changes, and in the night

Even the kindest winds turn into wild beasts

Letting out a wilderness Howl

They say: don't sit still too long

Yet you fall asleep

Very lightly against my shoulder

Your long brown hair spreads out on my chest


Wearied and forgetful of the fluttering

Sun, sun can't wait

Sympathetic glances grow faint

I lost the words to wake you up

It was the yellow road in winter

Darkness began to grow in the shadows

The first star didn't cry

It held back golden tears

You leaned gently against my shoulder

In my breath that wouldn't cool

Your lips quivered in dreams Speaking in your sleep

I know that it was asking your mother's forgiveness

October 1981


How I wish, there was a doorway

Morning, the sun was shining on the grass

We stood

Holding on to our doorway

The doorway was low but the sun was bright

The grass Is bearing its seed

The wind is shaking its leaves

We stand, and without speaking

It is very good

There is a door, and it need not be opened

It is very good if it is ours

Morning, and the night must yet wander

We give him the six-stringed lute

We do not go away, we need

The land, the land that needs to never be destroyed

We'll ride it

through life

The land is rough, sometimes narrow

Yet it has a history

A share of the sky, a share of the moon

A share of the dew and the mornings

We love the land

We stood, and we dug with our wooden shoes with

the dirt, and the door was hot from the sun

We leaned gently

Very nice

The grass behind the wall

won't grow any bigger

It only touches the sunlight, with its fingertips

August 1982

Season - Preserving the dusk and the mornings


How many years I have always

lived in the valley where you breathe

I built my own house

mended hedges, listened to the spring as it whispered

sleep, and there were transparent paws between the purple stamens

I felt the time

become meek

hovering over my head

The sun was sleepy Like a lion

The sun is sleepy like a lion

The shadows of many bat flowers

The rocks that only appear at dusk

The rocks that repeat their words to me

The streams that repeat their words to me

White trees and deep jungles


I drink of that stream every day

I have a copper vase

I know that the east is infinite, then

the west is infinite, the sea is invading my estuary step by step


Thousands of miles of white dunes

Eagles on the barren city, my cabin full of cogs

Golden cogs of happiness

Thousands of miles The sea against my cheek

Children's grass shaking uneasily

My daily wish heh

Little seaweed shaking uneasily by the steps

You didn't put coins on round stones

Ice's minnows swimming

Your ebony brow bows down to the dawn


I want the gold in your eyes

The gold mine of the sun

You've been shepherding sheep on very small islands

The Red Sea is your lips

You've been shepherding sheep on very small tropical islands

Dragging a tired

whip amongst the clear sheep-toothed plants that the sun can't close his fingers around

Why, I don't love your silvery snout line

That smile of centimeter by centimeter of silver, that morning

The beautiful abyss that appears under the heather

The eternal night and the shells chirping in devotion to the morning

Hear the air

The air praises me for being from Rome

The mineral sands are at my feet, and I'm a god of today's bells

The four

Lock the doors on all sides

My hand reaches for your breath

Flies and old men in the street, searing hot burning copper

Flaming at noon, noon night refuses to move away

His fingers, deep lonely burning

Flames in the night, oh, belonging to the end of twilight

My hand converges at the side of your neck

In the Cool pass winds grow

Silent on your smooth crags

Many, many books, seasons beyond the stones

I turn gently toward you

My hair grows in curled aromas

Autumn comes, and autumn brings many leaves

October 1983


I put your vows

To love

Can on a candle

See how it is

Drowned in tears

Burned out by the fire of the heart

See how the last thought

Goes extinct

How it is blown away by the wind

June, 1980

On the wide and bright world

On this wide, bright world

People walk around

We surround ourselves

Like a horse

Around a stake

Occasionally, a dandelion flutters in this wide, bright world

And no one tells them

That by the sun Hot all life

Can't be far away

From the coming night

Death is a careful harvester

Not leaving a single ear of barley behind