Choose one can be: chrysanthemums, roses, carnations, choose two can be: chrysanthemums + roses, chrysanthemums + carnations, roses + carnations, choose three can be: chrysanthemums + roses + carnations.
Chrysanthemum scientific name: Dendranthema morifolium alias: golden stamens, empress flower, Jiu Hua Huang Hua. Genus: Asteraceae chrysanthemum, perennial rooted herb. Origin: Originally from China.
Habitat: prefers sunny, cool, moist and well-ventilated environments, and can tolerate extreme cold and frost.
Flowering period: October to December, there are also different types of varieties that bloom in summer, winter and all year round.
Flower color: red, yellow, purple, green, white, pink, mixed and inter-colored.
Flower language: purity, high purity, remembrance, success, long life.
Scientific name Rosa rugosa. also known as rose, wandering flower, through the heart rose. Belongs to the Rosaceae family. Deciduous shrubs, stems densely covered with sharp thorns. Leaves pinnately compound, leaflets 5 - 9, elliptic or elliptic-obovate, wrinkled above.
Flowering period: summer April-May flowering, flowers solitary or clustered at the top of the branch, red, purple, white, green, etc., and there are monopetalous and heavy petal points. The fruit is flat and spherical. Fruit compressed spherical. Native to China, long cultivated for ornamental. Rose and moon are sister flowers, live like twins, flower shape and color is also very close, the difference is that the rose leaves wrinkled and thorns, the moon without thorns and leaf flat, the moon is often open, the rose is only open two or three degrees.Classification: There are red roses, yellow roses, purple roses, white roses, black roses, orange roses and blue roses.
FLOWER LANGUAGE: Red roses represent passionate true love; yellow roses represent precious blessings and jealousy of lost love; purple roses represent romantic love and precious unique; white roses represent pure innocence; black roses represent tenderness and sincerity; orange roses represent friendship and youthful beauty; blue roses represent kindness and generosity.
Carnation, formerly known as: Dianthus caryophyllus, also known as: lion's head Dianthus, musk Dianthus, large-flowered Dianthus, Latin name: Dianthus caryophyllus L. angiosperm phylum; dicotyledonous plants; Central Seed Order; Dianthus family; Dianthus genus; Dianthus.
By flower color and habit can be divided into:
(1) big red varieties: flower color has big red, pink and mixed colors.
(2) Purple varieties: flowers purple.
(3) Flesh-colored varieties: flowers agate color, yellowish, yellow and so on. Can also be divided into two categories according to the size and number of flowers on the stem: large-flowered balsam and scattered balsam.
Flower language: immortal motherly love, charm and respect