Trailing dance and ghost dance is no difference.
One, the ghost step dance, folk commonly known as "ghost step" "ghost step dance". Dragging the feet to walk the dance steps, movement fast and powerful, music strong shock (mostly Hardstyle Music and DJ dance music, etc.), the dance is full of dynamic energy, belongs to the hardcore style of popular dance, very site rendering power.
Shuffle, kicks, fancy, spin, running man, kicks spin and so on.
Shuffle: one foot twisting accompanied by the other foot rapid lateral movement, the dance accompanied by hand movements, body movements (such as spinning, turning, legs and feet kicks, etc.).
KiCKs: similar to the Shuffle, with the foot raised at a higher angle, a bit of a lateral kick.
Fancy: Various kinds of fancy moves.
Spin: Spin in place.
Running Man: One foot hits the ground in front of you, then the other jumps backwards twice, then repeats with the other foot, giving the illusion of running (similar to M.J.'s moonwalk, but different), accompanied by hand motions and body movements (spins, turns, etc.).
Kicks Spin: A kicks spin that uses the Shuffle to spin in place while the other foot tucks and kicks outward.
Hard Style Dance (HSD: Hard Style Dance) Focus on Legs and Feet Very focused on legs and footwork, the dance has a very fast tempo, with quick kicks, stomps, jumps, stomps, and quick spins to the beat of the music.
One of the movements of the dance is a rapid lateral heel on the foot twisting back and forth, embellished with movements of the body rotation, hand dance and kicking, other movements. For example, hand and foot dance plus 360 degrees of continuous rotation.