Sidewalk point step, the focus is still point step. Feet together, for the right foot forward point step, point step when the back of the right foot straight, the body slightly back, then the right foot back, the left foot forward point step, point step when the left foot straight, the body slightly forward. Finish a 1-2-1-2, left and right feet each point once. 1 when the legs are bent at the knee, 2 when both legs are straight, you need to keep the lower body bouncing.
When the right foot points, the hips go to the left, and the upper body leans slightly to the right and back. Left foot point step, hips to the right, upper body to the left slightly leaning forward. In this process, attention should be paid to maintaining the coordination of the legs and feet and the upper body, and there is also forward and backward tilting while swaying. When leaning forward, the left shoulder can be lower than the right shoulder as the hips sway from side to side, and the right shoulder can be slightly higher than the left shoulder when leaning back, but also keep the cervical spine straight.
Since it is called the Side Walking Pointing Step, there should be a side tilt when pointing, 45 degrees to the left or 45 degrees to the right, but the upper body is still facing the front, so as to be able to complete the movement to the side. After completing the left and right pointing steps, you can rotate 45 degrees or 90 degrees and continue pointing steps.
Of course, you can also point your left foot 45 degrees to the right and your right foot 45 degrees forward to complete the movement to the front. This movement can be used as a double SOLO movement in the routine, or as a step when the two of you need to shorten the distance when working together.