BERGLAS EFFECT was performed by David Berglas more than 50 years ago, he did not touch the cards throughout the whole process, and the magical effect was done by random spectators, and its mysterious and super-difficult maneuver was not deciphered, so it was called BERGLAS EFFECT. due to the technical reasons, it is not possible to retain the original performance effect, and people can only speculate on the way of the performance through the ear of the viewer. Two videos of the BERGASL EFFECT are popular on the Internet, one by Chinese magician Liu Qian and the other recorded on American TV. Liu Qian's "BERGASL VERSION" was so successful that even David BERGASL said he couldn't see how Liu Qian had done it.
David Bagras has been performing this unique version of the "any card at any number" effect for nearly 50 years, starting with ACAAN, which stands for "Any Card at Any Number". "ACAAN. ACAAN is a classic card effect with a simple description: the spectator gives a card and a number, the deck counts to that number and that is the card, OVER. It doesn't say that the magician can't touch the card, it doesn't say the card can be shuffled (and it doesn't say it can't be shuffled), it doesn't say that the card and the number are spoken by the spectator at random (and, yes, you can use a bag of coercion to do it), and the two Any's are spoken from the spectator's point of view. You make a compulsion, and it's Any in the effect.?
David Berglas' version of ACAAN is called the "Berglas effect", but it's still essentially ACAAN, but with four very strict conditions:
1. The cards can be shown before the show starts, and there are no duplicates.
2. Spectators say any card they want. They are not TOs and can say any card from the 52 cards without restriction.
3. Another spectator says any number between 1 and 52. They are also not a TO and are not restricted in any way.
4. A third spectator is invited to count the cards and count the number spoken by the second spectator. The performer does not touch the cards during the act.
No magic manufacturer or online store can sell under the name "The berglas Effect". The method belongs exclusively to David Berglas, and will probably never be made public, becoming an enduring secret of the magic community.
These four rules, which you can use as a "creative challenge," are fine. However, if you really want to use them to "crack" the Bagras effect of Bagras himself, it is purely redundant.
Bagras himself made no such claims. David Britland and Richard Kaufman, who wrote his biography and book, didn't mention these four either! Barglas himself never made these qualifications,
and in the book Richard Kaufman - The Berglas Effects Barglas taught the trick, which means it's no longer an eternal codeThe real situation is this:
1. Barglas himself had this ACAAN effect, but He would change the effect depending on the audience (what was being said), messing up the final effect has nothing to do with ACAAN.
Maybe some people will ask, then in the end Bagras act up what kind of? Describe the effect: the spectator calls out the cards and numbers, and Bagras asks the spectator to pick up the cards (the deck is often put aside before the show starts, the cards are in a box, and Bagras himself doesn't touch them). At this point, the point comes that the spectator may be asked to cut the cards once, but it is the spectator who does the cutting, once. After that, the card is counted to the corresponding position.
Throughout the performance:
No forcing
No psychological stuff to get the spectator to say a particular number
Never relying on the fact that a spectator might say something like the ace of spades, etc., which has a high probability of coming up
David himself doesn't come up to you with a deck of cards in order and play them out (the cards either stay on the table or are cut by the spectator). The cards are either on the table all the time or somewhere else, and then he goes and lets you take them when he plays them) This effect does not use any tricks!
2, Bagras effect with the difference between ACAAN: Bagras himself acted if the cards, that is ACAAN, did not move, is the Bagras effect.
3, if you see Bagras, you can ask Bagras himself to perform this effect, he gave a lot of magicians have performed, abused countless people.
4, the four principles are foreign good people (or called "magic lovers" it) mentioned, not Bagras himself.