Can you really lose weight doing yoga?

I feel it depends on the intensity of the training, yoga itself is the intensity of the sport, mainly flexibility

If you really want to slim down, I can tell you, but you have to adhere to at least 3 months

It is after dinner every day, go to the square dance, or walk a big circle of the road, to sweat, especially now that it is going to be the summer, there will be a lot of sweat, as long as the walk is fast. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money from the company, and then go back to your home and don't eat again, and stick to this kind of fast walking after dinner, and you'll lose weight in 3 months

This kind of fast walking is not very strong, and it's better than yoga, and you don't need to pay for it, and it's very strong, and some people can't afford it, and it's the best way to do this, and the key is to stick to it