Red beans, peanut rice, peeled garlic, brown sugar, each 4 two porridge once a day for varicose veins?

This method can treat varicose veins.

The cause of varicose veins is incomplete closure of venous valves or deep vein thrombosis, which leads to the return of venous blood from the superficial veins, resulting in the expansion of the superficial veins by increasing the pressure on the veins, which causes varicose veins.

In daily life, it is important to avoid standing for a long time, to prevent the pressure in the abdominal cavity from rising for a long time (i.e., avoid long-term constipation, coughing, etc.), to elevate the affected limbs to promote the return of venous blood, to protect the affected limbs by wearing compression stockings or tying compression bandages, and to prevent traumas, and to avoid cold-water rinsing. Do not smoke or drink alcohol.


I. Sclerotherapy: Sclerosing agent is injected into the veins to destroy the endothelial cells, causing vasospasm, inflammation and formation of thrombus, fibrosis, and to achieve the purpose of eliminating varicose veins. It is most suitable for the dilatation of small veins. Side effects include allergy, local pain, skin necrosis and pigmentation. If the sclerosing agent is inadvertently injected into the artery, it may cause necrosis and amputation of the limb. It can be treated by injecting the blood vessel with medication or by surgery.

Two, compression therapy (supportive therapy): wear compression stockings or use elastic bandage wrapping compression to reduce venous reflux and bruising phenomenon. Medical compression stockings are a kind of products with the function of promoting the return of blood to the heart from the veins of the lower limbs.