This is relative to the male confidante. Many people think that as a woman, you should not have a blue confidante, but I think this statement is wrong.
The ancients once said: "it is difficult to find a bosom friend in life, but it is difficult to find a bosom friend through the ages." When I was in primary school, there was a text in the book, which told the story of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi. Because of space, I only know that one of them plays well and the other listens well. I didn't really feel anything after learning this lesson at that time. I just think it's just a very simple thing, and the two people have a tacit understanding. But when I grew up, I realized that I knew the first half of their story at that time. In the second half of their story,
After Zhong Ziqi's death, Boya broke the piano and never played it again, thinking that drums were everywhere in the world.
After Zhong Ziqi died, Boya broke the piano and never played it again. In this story, I understood the true meaning of "bosom friend" for the first time.
Back to now, people often say that "bosom friends are hard to find". Yes, how can it be so easy to find a real bosom friend? He can understand your thoughts and feelings. You are like-minded and appreciate each other. So at this time, is gender still important? The answer is yes, it is precious to find a confidant. Whether it is a blue confidante or a confidante, it is not an improper affair in the eyes of ordinary people. Of course, women can have confidantes, just as men can have confidantes.
Of course, what I'm talking about here is not equal to what people call "male girlfriends" now.
The word "male girlfriend" is undoubtedly an embarrassing existence. Best friend refers to a girl's best friend. Since they are all best friends, they must all be girls. But I feel embarrassed to crown a "man" in front of my best friend. Can a man be a woman's best friend? It's weird. Of course, I'm not the only one. I think this identity is very strange. Everyone thinks that male girlfriends are actually girls' spare tires. When a girl is not in love, she acts as a lover's ambiguous identity, and when a girl has a boyfriend, she acts as a spare tire. In either case, it's uncomfortable.
Lan Yan's bosom friend is different. A bosom friend truly understands and respects each other, and he will know how to keep his distance after he has a lover. If a woman's confidante doesn't keep a sense of proportion after learning that the other person has a family, then she doesn't deserve to be called "confidante".