The Beatles, why did they write all the good melodies?

I'm an "off-color" person, and that's the right question to ask.

At 10 p.m. on the night of Dec. 8, 1980, the sound of a few harsh gunshots pierced the night sky, and in front of a condominium near New York City's Central Park, a 40-year-old man was shot by an admirer and fell in a pool of blood. The man was John Lennon (IhonLennon), the leader of The Beatles (also known as The Beatles), the rock band that took the West by storm in the 1960s.

After being shot, Lennon is said to have stumbled a few steps and quickly fell down the steps, struggling a few steps before finally collapsing to the ground, the tape in his hand scattered in a pool of blood. John Lennon did not survive and was pronounced dead thirty minutes after being taken to the hospital.

The murderer, an American named Mark DavidChapman, was an avid Lennon fan who suffered from mental illness, and after his arrest he confessed to the crime: he murdered Lennon because he claimed to be "more popular than Jesus" and that the lyrics of "God" were blasphemous. Imagine," in which he says he "imagines he has no possessions," while at the same time he owns a lot of possessions, and that his words were inconsistent with his actions.

The shooting quickly sent shockwaves through New York and the entire Western world, from heads of state to millions of Beatles fans, who mourned Lennon's tragic assassination. At that time, almost all Western radio stations interrupted their normal broadcasting programs to play Lennon and his "Beatles" songs; the world's major newspapers have a large part of the introduction of the "Beatles" and mourning Lennon's articles; Lennon's death, let the Lennon's death has doubled the price of "Beatles" records, quickly snapped up by fans, and even a sixteen-year-old girl and a Utah man committed suicide as a martyr; when Lennon's memorial service was held in Central Park, more than 100,000 people flocked to the venue, some of them with tears in their eyes, wearing Lennon's bust, and singing the songs that Lennon had written and sung during his lifetime, sobbing uncontrollably. Lennon's songs, sobbing; at the same time, more than 13 million people across the United States to express their condolences in various ways.

Lennon's death has created an unprecedented wave, reflecting the status of the Beatles and the rock 'n' roll art they represented in people's hearts and minds: both a spiritual icon for the youth of the 1960s and a symbol of a new culture.

The beginning of the group

The Beatles were formed in 1960, became famous in 1963 and disbanded in 1970. The group wasn't together for very long, but it was one of the most successful and important bands in the history of rock and roll.

In fact, the Beatles, formerly known as "the Quarrymen" (Quarrymen), were formed in 1955 by John Lennon, who was still in art school, in Liverpool, a small city of a few hundred thousand people in the United Kingdom. The following year, John Lennon met Paul McCartney at a church in Liverpool, and Paul McCartney joined the band.

John Lennon

Two years later, George Harrison, a close friend of Paul McCartney's, joined The Quarrymen, and other musicians joined at the same time, although many of them were temporary, and in the end only John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison remained.

In March 1960, with the announcement that John Lennon's college friend Stuart Sutcliffe and drummer Pete Best were joining the band, Stuart Sutcliffe suggested that the Quarrymen change their name to the Beetles. ".

In mid-August of the same year, the band officially changed its name to "The Beatles," which was derived from the English word "beat," which means to rush or bounce. The Beatles were also known as "The Beatles" or "The Crustaceans" because of their Beatles-like hairstyles, and the phonetic translation is "The Beatles". "

One of them is the Beatles.

John Lennon played backing guitar, keyboards, and vocals; Paul McCartney played bass guitar, keyboards, and vocals; George Harrison played lead guitar, sitar, piano, and backing vocals; and Ringo Starr sang lead vocals on drums, percussion, keyboards, and guitar. All four are native Liverpudlians and were born into poor families during the war years, spending their early childhood and teenage years in Liverpool.

For example, John Lennon was born in 1940, his parents were divorced and he grew up to be a sensitive and rebellious child, organizing his own gang of thieves, causing headaches for his teachers, and being warned by his classmates' parents to "stay away from him", and he was even prepared to commit crimes in order to become a millionaire. He was even ready to commit a crime in order to become a millionaire. It was then that Elvis Presley and rock 'n' roll came along and showed Lennon what he could do with his life, but he didn't have the money to buy a guitar of his own for a long time. After learning a few banjo chords from his mother, he and a few friends formed The Quarrymen in the spring of 1956.

Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney was born in 1942, and his mother died when he was fourteen.

Paul McCartney was introduced to John Lennon and his band The Quarrymen by high school friend and classmate Evan Woohan on July 6, 1957, when the fifteen year old Paul McCartney was introduced to John Lennon and his band, The Quarrymen, at a community event at St. Peter's Church in the suburb of Houlton. John Lennon and his band The Quarrymen at a community event at St. Peter's Church in the suburb of Houlton. Lennon asked McCartney to join his band, and he replied a day later with a "yes," and the two have had a long creative partnership ever since.

George Harrison was born in 1943 and grew up in poverty, but more than any other Beatle, Joe's family gave him a long history of support and love. His father, Harold Harrison, became a crew member on a famous shipping line at the age of 17 and lived on the dole during the Depression. After George's birth, the family couldn't make ends meet and moved into government housing near the ghetto in 1949. Entering high school, George was not interested in what was taught in school; society was his battleground. In England, Elvis Presley, Miles Davis and Jack Kerouac, marked the subculture of the younger generation. George became obsessed with rock and country music and eventually dropped out of school to become an electrician's apprentice. At the time, British pop star Ronnie Donagan started the trend of British home-grown rock and roll, and George was given an acoustic guitar and always practiced late into the night in order to master the chords, country music fingerpicking and rock riffs. Soon he bought a professional Hofner guitar. It was then that he met Paul McCartney, and George taught Paul how to play some rock and country riffs, and Paul taught George some of the more complex jazz chords of Tango Reinhardt. The two often hiked together on weekends with their guitars on their backs and practiced together. Later, Paul, on the other hand, became enamored with a local band of quarrymen, but soon Paul became second fiddle in this band and persuaded John to let George join them as well. Eventually John agrees to George joining the band, but sadly the band breaks up soon after.

Born in 1940, Ringo Starr also had divorced parents from an early age, and was three when he enrolled in kindergarten. At the age of thirteen, he went from a cold to chronic costochondritis, and had to be admitted to the Maitreya Street Hospital, which in turn led to complications from lung disease, and he was finally admitted to the Children's Hospital in Haysville, an illness that came down to just over a year. After being discharged from the hospital, Ringo was still unable to fit in with his new group and restarted his studies, barely able to read and write until he was fifteen years old. Later, Ringo became obsessed with rock music and wished he could organize a rock band. In 1956, Ringo was the resident musician of the Hurricanes in a club called The Hurricanes, which soon became the most popular band in Liverpool and made Ringo Starr famous! The following year, Ringo started to form his own band. The following year, Ringo started his own band called "theEddieCalyton Sikffle GrouP". In October 1960, the Hurricanes played the Kiaser Keller Club in Hamburg, Germany, where Ringo first met the Beatles. The Beatles' drummer, Pete Best, often failed to show up for rehearsals, and his performances were so erratic that the Beatles asked Ringo to fill in for Pete on drums, and on August 8, 1968, Ringo was officially added to the lineup. "The Beatles, as a core member of the band, continued to play drums until the band broke up.

It is clear that the members of the Beatles, like their peers, did not show much artistic talent in their youth.

Secret History of Success

When the Beatles were first formed, there weren't a lot of opportunities to perform, so they took advantage of a recruitment drive to Hamburg, Germany. However, this "Hamburg trip" was a really important exercise for the "Beatles", in order to fulfill the eight hours a day performance, the members had to desperately take all the music they could think of to practice. However, at the end of 1960, the Beatles were expelled from England because seventeen-year-old George Harrison was a minor. However, there were many other bands like the Beatles in Liverpool, and the Beatles suffered until 1963, when a Liverpool club finally accepted them for a residency.

In Liverpool, the Beatles gradually gained some traction thanks to their distinctive vocals, and went on to play three longer residencies in Hamburg, Germany, ranging from small clubs to medium-sized clubs to star clubs.

But it was legendary Beatles manager Brian Epstein who really took the world by storm. He once mentioned that the first time he saw the Beatles play, he was attracted to their stage costumes: "They were dressed in a very scruffy way, but probably in the best way, or I'd say the most attractive way: black leather jackets, jeans, and, of course, long hair."

Brian Epsten, born in Liverpool, England, in 1934, was a music business whiz. After boarding school, he enlisted in the Army and then studied acting at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Upon returning to Liverpool, he became involved in Epstein's family estate, which later led to him owning his own business - the largest record distributor in the north of England.

In 1961, he signed the Beatles, and in 1962, he paid for the Beatles to record demo demo tapes at Decca Records' studios in London, though Decca refused to sign the band to a contract. It didn't matter that all the major music labels in London at the time rejected Bryan, and finally Bryan met producer George Martin, who signed the Beatles to EMI's small label, Palo Breeze.

In October of the same year, the Beatles released their first single, "Love Me," which reached number seventeen on the national pop charts at the end of the year. The following spring, their second single, "Pleasure Me," began to occupy the top spot. "The Beatles finally took their place in British pop music and swept the country with fervor. Brian, at this point, let a major business opportunity slip away as he gave 90% of the merchandising power to Stramsact (in the UK) and Seltaeb (in the US).

On February 7, 1964, more than 3,000 teenagers at New York's international airport crowded the corridors of the arrivals building in a frenzy to welcome The Beatles. On that day, the Beatles left the airport in their own cars. More than two hundred domestic and foreign journalists followed the interview, and thousands of young boys and girls followed, some in cars, some in taxis, and some squeezed into public **** buses ...... They have been chasing the Beatles to the Plaza Hotel, which collapsed. Of course, the Beatles did not disappoint their fans, Lennon said bluntly: "Please buy more Beatles records, we are singing for the money ......"


The teenagers of the time loved this straightforward attitude and gathered outside the Plaza Hotel to idolize the Beatles.

The Sullivan Theater hosted the Beatles' first show at a time when critics, still conservative, couldn't understand the frenzied fans, saying, "The Beatles sound too rough and harsh." Parents were not allowed to teach their children how to sing, but the children loved the hysterical cries.

Three days later, the Beatles traveled to Carnegie Hall for a concert, both of which were attended by nearly 3,000 people. As for outside the hall, the crowds waiting in the wings were immeasurably larger.

The "New York trip" was an absolute peak for the Beatles, who not only conquered the nation's youth, but also made them known to young people all over the world.

In 1965, all four Beatles were honored with the Order of the British Empire, and in 1966, Lennon said in a press interview, "The Beatles are more popular than Jesus". 1967 was their peak year, as they stopped performing and devoted themselves to producing in the studio. 1967 was their peak year, as they stopped performing and devoted themselves to producing records and television in the studio, releasing the concept album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, which won four Grammy Awards. 1968 saw the release of their ninth studio album, The Beatles, which spent a record nine consecutive weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 200 and 155 weeks on the charts. In 1969, the band made its final public appearance with the release of the studio album Abbey Road, which won the thirteenth Grammy Award for Best Original Motion Picture and Television Score in 1970.

In fact, the magic that made The Beatles so successful came from nature. The songs were fresh, fast and furious, with a strong rhythm and popular lyrics. It is no wonder that one magazine commented, "Their use of amplification to produce a raspy, rhythmic sound makes for a slightly raucous performance, but their spirit is still rightly amorous." "They have an idiosyncratic style and a lot of energy. Their beats are fun and energetic, and their singing is generous and not pretentious." No wonder Mr. Xiaosong mentioned in "The Wild History of Fish and Sheep" that "The Beatles are my super idols, and I think they should be the idols of all musicians in the world. Whenever people can't write good songs, they lament and say, "Why can't they write good songs? Because all the good melodies were written by the Beatles. ......"

On December 31, 1970, the Beatles announced that they were disbanding because of the different musical pursuits of the band members. After the band broke up, although each member published a lot of new albums, and achieved good results, but no band when the "soul". When John Lennon was assassinated in New York, the Beatles could not be reunited.

Writing all this, I'd like to give a shout out to those of you who have passed through.