Caijia Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Caijia Township, Lishu County, Siping City, Jilin Province, with an urban/rural classification code of 122, which is a combined township and village area. The zoning code is 220322106201, and the first 6 digits of the resident ID number is 220322. the postal code is 136000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0434 , and the license plate number is JI C. Caijia Village is adjacent to Hengdaozi Village, Aiguo Village, Jingyou Village, Caijia Xiaojia Station Community, Lashuizi Village, Majia Village, Menjiayi Village, Niangnimiao Village, Shimokanshi Village, Xincun Village, and Yaojia Village.
On November 17, 2017, the Central Civilization Committee decided to award Caijia Village the title of the Fifth National Civilized Village and Town.
Caijia Village is near tourist attractions such as Northern Bali Scenic Spot, Yehenara Ancient City, Partial Face City Site, Lishu County Museum, Beilao Trench Ruins, and specialties such as Li Liangui Smoked Meat Dacquoise and Lishu Wuwei Zi.