I live how I want, I live how I want, I live how I want.

is the lyrics of "How I live in style".

The most popular lyrics in the song "How to live in style, how to live happily, how to live, no matter how other people look at me, there is only one me in the world". The reason why the popularity is because the part of the lyrics sung to the heart of the people to live, live to live in style, live happily, style and happiness belongs to their own, do not care what others say.

Song: "How I live in style"

Singer: Wen Jing

Lyrics: Liu Yuqian

Songwriter: Chen Yilong


Life is always bitter and joyful. p>

Life should be joyful, days should be open

The food should be eaten, the drink should be drunk, why be bored

How can I live in style, how can I live happily

No matter how other people look at me, there is only one of me in the world

How can I live in style, how can I live happily

Who are the fireworks in the night sky, I want to bloom a beautiful life

What is the best thing that ever happened to me? I want to bloom a beautiful life

How do I live, how do I live, how do I live happily

No matter what others think of me, there's only one of me in the world

How do I live, how do I live, how do I live happily

Who's the fireworks in the sky at night, I want to bloom a beautiful life

Song Versions

1. Original song version. How I live in style" is a song composed by Chen Yilong, lyrics by Liu Yuqian, sung by Wen Jing, the song is included in the album "How I live in style", released by Changhe Culture on March 19, 2022, the album contains 2 songs.

2. Cover version one. Protecting the flowers sang "How I live in style", the song is included in the album "Fate makes you and me rub shoulders", released by Jianzhuo Culture on April 18, 2022, the album contains 9 songs.

3. Cover version two. Division said Ham sang "how I dashing how to live", the song is included in the album "let me love once enough", released by small wave technology on April 21, 2022, the album contains 10 songs.