Who has a patient with advanced small cell lung cancer around, live longer, what methods are used?

What are the methods for patients who want to live longer with advanced small cell lung cancer? Small cell lung cancer is highly invasive, fast growing and developing. If it is left untreated and left to develop naturally, most of the survival time is very short, usually only limited to a few months or even shorter. However, precisely because small cell lung cancer grows and develops quickly, small cell lung cancer is sensitive to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Advanced small cell lung cancer, which means distant metastases, is treated with systemic chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy is recommended if you want to live longer and there are no special contraindications to chemotherapy. As soon as chemotherapy is mentioned, some people will jump out to demonize it, just saying that chemotherapy has side effects. This is nonsense. How can you get good grades if you don't sweat in your studies? How can you get good grades if you don't work hard? Like lying down and getting something? Is that possible? You don't sweat, don't work hard, it's true that now it looks okay, but in a short time, you will feel the pain, now the comfort, now the escape, in the future you will face more and more big trouble.

Look at the problem to be dialectical, to be divided into two, can not only look at one side, and ignored the other side, just like you look at a, if you only focus on his shortcomings (100% have shortcomings), it can be said that you do not have a friend to make friends with, and you can not find your other half. Many things in life are like this, you have to look at it dialectically, you drive if you want to ensure 100% safety, then you do not drive, but not drive, you have to pay the price of not being able to drive, inconvenient ah, not get to drive to your convenience, of course, if you can accept it, of course, is OK ah. The same is true for treatment, for example, if you always focus on the risk of surgery, then you can not operate, no surgery, indeed, there is no risk of surgery, but there is also a risk of not operating, the risk is likely to be even greater, because the surgery is not operated, then the disease will develop, and when you miss the opportunity to operate, it is even more troublesome, and even greater pain is waiting in front. The same goes for chemotherapy, which does have side effects and risks, but the question is, would it be okay not to have chemotherapy? Will it be better? No, and it will only get worse. Some will say, there are other treatments that can be used. Unfortunately, small cell lung cancer advanced stage is mainly rely on chemotherapy, part of the trial can also be examined to try targeted and immunotherapy, but also the same is not without side effects and risks, this world has two sides of everything.

There are a lot of small cell lung cancer people around, because small cell lung cancer itself is highly malignant, rapid development, so the general survival is not ideal.

Most of the patients with long survival are found early and treated timely. There are also patients in the middle and late stages of the disease who are maintained by radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and targeted drugs, but the relative survival is shorter, and the quality of life is lower due to the side effects of the drugs. I'm not familiar with traditional Chinese medicine, but I have seen people take traditional Chinese medicine to maintain a long time, provided that they go to a regular hospital.

My mother is a small cell lung cancer gone, the center type can not do surgery, go to Beijing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, gamma knife, immunotherapy treatment for a year and a half, and finally brain metastases gone, fortunately brain metastases lead to a coma, at least not suffered too much, just a pity, my mother is a non-smoking and non-alcoholic life neat and regular and love to exercise the person, back to the cause of the disease may be with the family usually frying and cooking plus the hood pipe is not very good related. The hood pipe is not very good related, has been gone for more than six years, and now also often miss her, often dreaming of her kind smile and familiar flavor [tears] [tears] [tears] [tears]. Small cell lung cancer targeted drugs are not sensitive and ineffective, if the location is better on the surgery plus radiotherapy, sensitive but fast recurrence; if you can not operate can only radiotherapy, the effect is obvious but fast drug resistance recurrence metastasis is usually unavoidable. Usually, from discovery to death, the survival period is about one year, so small cell lung cancer is one of the most malignant lung cancers, if it can be treated systematically and control the metastasis, it can live for a while, but the overall healing is not good! If you have the condition, you still have to go to Beijing big hospital for systematic treatment, even if you can't be cured, after systematic treatment, the quality of survival and survival period will be greatly improved! The cost of treatment is due to some years ago, probably self-funded about 300,000, the rest of the health insurance reimbursement of more than half! It is estimated that the treatment methods and costs are more abundant now, but the overall prognosis is not good! I hope this helps the unfortunate patient and family! One last word: Since this is already the case, please cherish the time in front of you and be open to the road ahead! [Prayer][Prayer][Prayer]

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Depends on luck, there is no such thing as a good method, maybe the method that works for other people doesn't work for you

The treatment of the advanced small-cell type of lung cancer is relatively tricky or there is no possibility of a cure. You can only live with the tumor. Family members should face this disease rationally, give patients as much care as possible, reduce patients' pain, and do not over-treatment. Because, often, the process of over-treatment is the patient's pain, the family debt, and finally, people and money are empty.

The Ministry of Health has a standardized standard for the treatment of lung cancer: the first step is radiotherapy (twice), which cures the cancer cells; the second step is surgery, which removes the cancer cells and clears the lymph; and the third step is radiotherapy (twice). This is the "sandwich" therapy introduced from Japan. After being discharged from the hospital, the patient will be treated with traditional Chinese medicine. If we go to big hospitals like Shanghai, we usually only have surgery. This is accompanied by experience and talk.

Whether the cancer can be cured, the patient's psychological factors are also very important

Prof. Li Zhong concluded that patients want to cure the tumor, the first thing is to treat the tumor objectively, if it is thought that they have a terminal disease, the time is running out, the fear of this mood is bound to have a negative impact on the treatment. And nowadays, western doctors describe cancer as a disease of tiger and wolf, proving to patients pathologically that your tumor is already so serious and your survival period is still three months. The patient's fear coupled with the negative effects of surgery and radiotherapy may actually cause the patient to live only three months. At least one-third of patients die from fear of their tumor, not because of it.

Tumor treatment methods:eliminating phlegm and dispersing knots, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, dispelling cold and dispersing knots, cultivating Shi and solidifying Yuan and supporting the correctness of the method, leading the fire back to the source of the method, replenishing the Yuan-Yang's vitality of the method, clearing heat and removing toxins, replenishing the qi and activating the blood, and so on. There are many mainstream treatment methods.

Whether the cancer can be cured, the patient's psychological factors are also very important

Prof. Li Zhong concluded that patients want to cure the tumor, the first thing to do is to treat the tumor objectively, if it is thought that they have a terminal illness, time is running out, and this kind of fear is bound to have a negative impact on the treatment. And nowadays, western doctors describe cancer as a disease of tiger and wolf, proving to patients pathologically that your tumor is already so serious and your survival period is still three months. The patient's fear coupled with the negative effects of surgery and radiotherapy may actually cause the patient to live only three months. At least one-third of patients die from fear of their tumor, not because of it.

Tumor treatment methods:eliminating phlegm and dispersing knots, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, dispelling cold and dispersing knots, cultivating Shi and solidifying Yuan and supporting the correctness of the method, leading the fire back to the source of the method, replenishing the Yuan-Yang's vitality of the method, clearing heat and removing toxins, replenishing the qi and activating the blood, and so on. There are many mainstream treatment methods.

Human life expectancy and suffering from major diseases, ninety percent of the genes related to congenital, only a small part of the cause is caused by acquired factors. This is why some people live in remote, hard life, diet rough, from do not know what is forging, what is health, more did not dance, but can be long life, and some people and exercise, and health, every day, square dance, diet scientific collocation, glory and wealth, but life is not long. So want to live long, mainly to see their own father, mother's family, there is no longevity of the people; want their children to live a long life, must find a long life genes of the loved ones, dance or not, how to eat and drink, raise or not to keep fit, and health and longevity does not have a lot of inevitable relationship.