How about thin legs?

The way to thin legs:\x0d\ leg fat can be reduced with a combination of anaerobic and aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise (such as jogging) can directly burn leg fat, anaerobic exercise (such as deep squatting) can improve the muscle ratio, metabolic rate, so that people are less prone to fat, more shapely legs. \x0d\ aerobic exercise can be jogging, swimming, cycling, brisk walking and so on. For example, jogging for 40 minutes, 3 to 5 times a week can be effective in losing weight and thin legs. Just jogging can not adhere to the words can be combined with fast walking. \x0d\ Running is an endurance sport, and endurance sports can't build big muscles. For example, in like running (especially long-distance running) or cycling, slow muscle fibers will slowly increase in size, but the main force of muscle enlargement fast muscle fibers will not increase significantly, or even atrophy. \x0d\ Anaerobic exercise can be done in deep squats without weights. Deep squat that is, straighten the back, a squat to the end. Do 3 sets of 20 or more each. Rest 1 minute or less between each group. Deep squatting can shape the legs. Do a few more leg stretches after the exercise, about 15 seconds each.