Ask the lyrics of bobcats and Jimmy's theme song

Lyrics of bobcats and Jimmy's theme song

Blue sky, green grass

Happy bobcats, happy Jimmy

Come to nature and breathe fresh air.

Happy growth, healthy growth,

This is a happy and happy world.

Let's go . Come on, come on. . . Let's go . Come on, come on. . . Let's go . Come to my side

Let's go . Come on, come on. . . Let's go . Come on, come on. . . Sing and dance with me

Blue sky, green grass

Handsome bobcat, beautiful Jimmy

Come to my side, there is no end to happiness

Grow up happily and healthily.

This is a happy and happy world.

Download the theme song of Bobcats and Jimmy:

/ertonggequ/dongwianzhutiqu/2009- 1 1-23/7946 . html

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