Many Tajik customs are customs with songs, such as in weddings there are many folk songs. In Tajik wedding customs, the groom is compared to the king, the bride is compared to the queen, and thus respected by the people. In the three-day wedding, just like the "king" and "queen" of them, eat all the "servants" to send, walk in the forefront, parents can only follow behind.
The bridegroom rides on a horse when he marries the bride, and the procession comes to the village together with the bridegroom's friends and relatives, who play the eagle's flute, beat the tambourine, and sing the ancient song "Shahnameh". Ahmad," an ancient folk song. People praise the bride and groom, wishing them long-lasting happiness and wishing that all lovers in the world will be united in love.
Tajik marriage customs have also become an important cultural space for the transmission of Tajik folk songs. In Tajik folk songs, customary songs take up a great deal of space, and love is the main content of the customary songs, and there are a large number of folk songs reflecting the theme of love, such as "Qiaoqi Mengjiaoq" (a song in praise of the beauty of a girl), "Spyzot" (a beautiful bird, which has been extinct. It describes a girl as beautiful as that bird), Hirinjiao (sweet lover), Daliqiyingjit (mother's good daughter), Zainalaying (the girl's name), Gulibita (a kind of short and beautiful flower, there are girls who take this name), and Odamamaynitu (I'm coming to your house to see you). The love songs are very rich in content and mainly reflect the burning love between young men and women.
Each type of folk song has a different content again, especially in the folk songs of love. The Chinese Tajiks belong to a group of alpine Tajiks, and they are differentiated from the plains Tajiks in terms of music, maintaining an ancient and unique style. From the point of view of genre and function, Tajik folk songs include some dancing folk songs. As a result, there are different variations in the beats and tunes of Tajik folk songs. In the beats there are both fast-paced folk songs with 5/8 and 6/8 beats, and slower-paced ones with 2/4 beats, such as the folk song "Gulibi Tower". People dance to the content and tunes of the different folk songs, accompanied by instruments such as the eagle flute, tambourine, and the Rewafu.
The various traditional folk songs of the Tajiks are sung mainly through singing, either by many people or by a single person, with or without accompaniment.