The slender arm, conveying the peacock's agility; the soft waist, dancing out the peacock's gracefulness; the flying skirt, showing the peacock's magnificence; the exquisite headdress, exuding the peacock's nobility. The eyes of Yang Liping gradually became a lithe peacock, dancing on the stage, dancing ...... music gently echoed in the ears, spring water droning, birds chirping, as if there is a wind blowing, the flowers swaying ...... in the hundreds of flowers, a "Peacock" in the fine comb, sometimes pecking brightly colored feathers, sometimes sitting in the grass to rest. That heavenly music is quiet without a ripple, peaceful and soft, accompanied by Yang Liping's supple dance, make people relaxed and happy. Look ah, Yang Liping squatting on the stage, wide skirt spread into a circle, she lowered her head, slender arm trembling, has been passed to the fingertips, wonderful ....... Suddenly, another burst of rapid rotation, Yang Liping little by little squatting, body in the "s" shape, the indescribable beauty lingers. The peacock's blinking once, a hint of smile were all expressed by Yang Liping. Quiet music, quiet dance, there is no Ansai waist drums of the majesty, there is no Indian dance of the fire, but that unique, elegant beauty but the fragrance of the overflowing .......
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