An Lushan and Yang Guifei were mother and son, and both were good at singing and dancing, especially An Lushan was famous for dancing the hu xuan dance, and after recognizing Yang Guifei as his mother, he had taught her the hu xuan dance in person. An Lushan, who was of Hu origin, had been living on the border since he was a child, working as an interpreter for traders and mastering both Chinese and Hu, and was later recognized by Zhang Shoushi, the governor of Youzhou, who introduced An Lushan to the government.
Many years of business career has made An Lushan become very smooth, he flattered the top, the bottom of the generous, and soon in the dynasty to establish a firm foothold, An Lushan is very ambitious people, he will be most of their own property is used to play the officials, these took his money naturally for him to say good words, over time caused the attention of the Tang Emperor Xuanzong, and wanted to see the perfect talent of this hundred official mouths. An Lushan in order to this summoning to do all the preparations, with three or four boxes filled with gold and silver treasures into the palace.
He knew that Emperor Tang Xuanzong favored Yang Guifei, so he searched for a variety of exotic treasures to Yang Guifei, An Lushan's good words and character is very interesting, Yang Guifei coaxed to the heart of the happy to recognize An Lushan as a son of the righteousness of the opportunity for An Lushan, he immediately kowtowed to the mother of the relationship to determine the relationship. After that, An Lushan often went in and out of the harem in the name of his son, and after he learned that Yang Guifei liked to sing and dance, he practiced dancing desperately, and he was the best at the Hu Xuan dance.
An Lushan once performed this dance in front of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, and was appreciated by many people. After that, Yang Guifei often asked An Lushan to teach her the essentials of Hu Xuan Dance, and An Lushan naturally devoted himself to teaching her, and as Yang Guifei had a good dancing skill and was willing to work hard, she mastered Hu Xuan Dance in a few months, and performed it at banquets for many times. Due to Yang Guifei's promotion, Hu Xuan Dance became popular throughout the Tang Dynasty, and both men and women would dance to it. The Hu Xuan Dance is a joyful and intense dance, full of energy between big openings and closings, and is very suitable for performances at festivals and venues.