Recently, a video has been fired on Weibo, which shows that in Chongqing, hundreds of square dancers wear headphones and hang a receiver on their waist to dance by receiving music from a wireless transmitter in the square.
This video gives a very clear signal that the nuisance caused by the big moms' square dancing some time ago can be solved in this way. After watching the video, at least the "silent" dance of these women convinced, but also for their behavior not to create noise nuisance happy, at least not to create noise nuisance is also a huge progress.
For some time, the mob occupied the motorway exercise was criticized, the old people and young people to compete for the basketball court, "the right to exercise" to produce excessive behavior, as for the square dance is said to have been jumped out of China, but after all that the noise of the trombone people are very uncomfortable, and some of the residents living around the square is very upset!
The square is said to have been taken over by square dancing in China, but ultimately the noise has made people very uncomfortable, and some residents living around the square are very upset.
The introduction of green square dancing in Chongqing is a huge step forward, at least in terms of noise pollution, and the reason I say this is that there is actually another layer implied, is there no noise that doesn't disturb the public? Dozens or hundreds of people dancing in the square, occupying the space originally intended for the elderly and children to relax, is this a nuisance? Of course it counts, but compared to people can not afford to mess with the noise + occupation of land, after all, this is a progress, society should be encouraged.