Professional Latin dance eye makeup steps Latin dance makeup super full painting tutorials

1, Latin dance eye makeup eyeshadow selection:

(1) texture: cream-like eyeshadow texture mellow, rendering effect is strong, waterproof effect is good, more suitable for the Latin dance this sports sweaty dance makeup.

(2) color: warm eye shadow is more suitable for sunken eyes. Since warm colors are colors that will make people feel swollen, it is easy to show swelling. Thus swollen eyes eyes remember not to try easily. If you have to, choose warm colors that are cooler, such as cool pinks, cool oranges, and so on. You can also strengthen the rendering of eye shadow colors, that is, aggravate the color of eye shadow; cold eye shadow due to the cold color system in the visual contraction of the feeling, the crowd of swollen eye bubble can boldly try.

(3) tools: eyeshadow brushes have many kinds, choose their own on the hand is. General professional makeup artist will be equipped with two sets of brushes to distinguish between the warm and cold color system.

2, application

(1) flat coating method: with a color of eyeshadow directly flat coating, suitable for swollen eyes.

(2) gradual (vertical) smudge method: use one or gradient color color eyeshadow upward smudge, suitable for small eyes.

(3) Horizontal smudge method: Smudge the inner corner of the eye with two or more colors, suitable for all eyes.

(4) European inverted hook method: use two or more colors of eyeshadow to outline the structure of the eye, so that it produces the effect of European or hybrid eye sockets, suitable for eyebrow-eye spacing far away, inward double, single eyelids, eye bubbles are not swollen eyes.

(5) false double method: two or more colors of eyeshadow to outline the false double eyelid effect, suitable for eyebrow-eye spacing far, internal double, single eyelid, eye bubble not swollen eyes.

3, to correct the eye shape of the application position

(1) sunken eye modification: the use of light-colored pearlescent eyeshadow coated in the sunken eyelid area.

(2) Swollen eyes modification: use bright color eyeshadow on the outer corner of the eye and brow bone position, use cool color on the upper eyelid puffy.

(3) Long eyes: Apply bright eye shadow, use darker color in the middle of the eyelid to make the eyes look round, and then slowly fade towards the end of the eye.

(4) round eyes modification: the use of eyeshadow horizontal halo method to make the eyes elongated, in the eyes of the head and the middle part of the bright color eyeshadow, and the end of the eyes using dark eyeshadow can be the eyes appear to be long.

(5) sagging eye modification: the head of the eye in the use of light-colored eyeshadow, remember to draw light, eyeshadow on the color area should not be too large, as close to the end of the eye, eyeshadow color can be deepened and gradually upward. And in the lower eyelid drooping out with bright color eye shadow highlight

(6) upward eye modification: increase the inner corner of the eye above the eye shadow color, and then gradually transition to the end of the eye, the end of the eye to use light color eye shadow.

(7) Single eyelid modification: On top of fitting the eyeliner, widen the eyelid edge with a darker eye shadow, and apply a darker eye shadow inside the inner double crease.

(8) in the head of the eye area of the distance between the two eyes is small modification: you can from the inner corner of the eye to the middle part of the eye coated with bright color eyeshadow, so that the distance between the eyes look larger, but also out of the outer corners of the eye slightly deepen the color of the eyeshadow.

(9) The distance between the eyes is big: in order to make the distance between the eyes look smaller, you can apply a layer of brown color eyeshadow on the inner corner of the eyes and the middle part of the nose.

(10) Asymmetry of the left and right eyes: The left and right eyes are different in size or shape, usually because one has double eyelids while the other has single eyelids. In this case, considering the lack of three-dimensionality of the eyes of a single eyelid, the focus should be on making it back to three-dimensionality, which should be done with a darker color eye shadow. When drawing eye shadow, you should see if the size and shape of the eyes are consistent when you open them.

(11) Small eye modification: first of all, you should apply bright color eye shadow on the whole eyelid area to make the whole eye look fresh. Then, apply dark eye shadow from one-half of the eye line all the way back to make the end of the eye more slender. After, in the lower eyelid from the outer corner of the eye one-third to the head of the eye this part can also be painted dark eye shadow, make the eyes instant enlargement.

4, specific drawing points

Eye makeup, first with false eyelashes, buy long, dense, there is a kind of eyelashes above the diamonds, the kind of wear up flash, suitable for Latin dance competitions, with eye lashes, eye line to draw thick, upper eyeliner and lower eyeliner to be received together, the end of the eye up, but pay attention to not parallel to the eyebrows.