Why do you want to defocus the background in portrait photography?

In a lot of portrait photography works can be found, most of the works will be blurred out of the background, this is not to say that the shooting of portrait photography must be blurred out of the background, but the background of the blurred out of the background of the current portrait photography of a trend and a big trend, but in some special photographic categories, such as the environment of portraits, the background of the blurred out of the background of the basic will not appear.

Most novice photographers, when they start shooting portraits, see a bokeh portrait as a sign of getting started. It's actually very easy to achieve bokeh, and bokeh does have a lot of advantages in portrait photography, so most of the portraits we've seen have bokeh backgrounds. So why exactly do most portraits have the background blurred out?

I. Highlight the subject

Everyone knows that the subject of portrait photography is, of course, the person. That's right, in portrait photography, the person is as the main subject of the subject exists, portrait photography is the most important person is in the photo to reflect the person's posture, movement, appearance and even feelings and emotions. But in life, people have always been in the surrounding environment, shooting is the same, if you do not use the shallow depth of field effect will be the environment of the background bokeh off, easy to cause the background of the clutter, and sometimes the background will also be noisy. Of course, if you can choose a perfect background, of course you do not need to deflate it, environmental portrait photography is more difficult than the general portrait photography lies in the background of the choice, in the environmental portrait photography, always make sure that the characters and the background of the environment agree with what we call the "unity of man".

II. Performance depth

Background bokeh in portrait photography is another role in the performance of the depth, increase the work of the three-dimensional sense of space. Why is it difficult to see the background bokeh in landscape photography? Because when shooting landscapes, the near and far three scenes have been able to express the picture of the spatial three-dimensionality and sense of hierarchy very clearly. In portrait photography, there is no division of the near and far three views, at most, to the character with a foreground, this time, we need to use the background bokeh effect to make the picture have a sense of depth, which further realizes the picture of the three-dimensional sense and sense of hierarchy.

Three. Simplify

Photography is the art of subtraction, the "New Photography Textbook" mentioned that the pursuit of photography, the three principles are what? It is the theme is clear, the subject is prominent, and the picture is simple. And the effect of background defocusing can satisfy the two principles here. The principle of subject prominence we have spoken in the first point, and another role of the background defocusing is to streamline the picture, defocusing the cluttered background to achieve the effect of picture simplicity, so it is easier to shoot a successful portrait photography works.

Four. How to achieve background bokeh

The bokeh effect of a lens depends mainly on three elements: aperture value, lens focal length, and shooting distance.

We'll talk briefly about how to do background bokeh here, it's a few simple steps. First of all, we need to understand that the degree of background defocus and depth of field is inversely proportional to the depth of field, the shallower the depth of field, the higher the degree of background defocus, the deeper the depth of field, the lower the degree of background defocus.

Secondly, we need to know the relationship between the above three elements and the depth of field. The smaller the aperture value, the shallower the depth of field; the larger the focal length, the shallower the depth of field; the shorter the shooting distance, the shallower the depth of field.

Speaking of which, you should also know that by opening a large aperture, using a long focal length, and then drawing the shooting distance closer, you can get a shallow depth of field, that is, get a relatively high background bokeh effect.