Trance music's Chinese translation is: Exodus Dance Music, which is too superficial Over in Taiwan Trance music is known as Transfusion Music, yet this translation, again, seems too soft. As a result, people never seem to have a good explanation for Trance either.
So here is a rational and emotional introduction:
First, let's take a look at Trance as it is explained in the Oxford Dictionary:
English: [træns] American: [træns]
1. sleep- like state, caused eg by being hypnotized Lethargy; hypnotic state: go/fall into a trance Enter [fall] into a trance * put/send sb into a trance Put someone into a trance * come out of a trance Wake up from a trance.
2. dreamy state in which one concentrates on one's thoughts and does not notice what is happening around one She's been in a trance all day I think she's in love.
Went to a foreign resource forum to look up Trance, and stumbled upon a gringo's signature file that stood out to me, and upon closer reading, I found his explanation of Trance as a musical term, which I thought was spot on.
The original text plus translation is as follows:
What is Trance? (Translated by Elektrobank@Trance Heaven)
What is Trance? (Translated by Elektrobank@Trance Heaven)
Trance is not a genre of music, butinstead, a flow, an element.
A true conveyance of human expression, culture, and diversity.
Trance is another true conveyance of the human spirit, human culture, and personality differences.
Trance is not a genre of music,
Trance is not a style of music,
Trance is a way of music which gives expression to euphoric emotions from within yourself.
Trance is a way of music which givesexpression to euphoric emotions from within.
Once you have Trance, you can turn it intowhatever you want.
Once you have entered the state of euphoria, your mental body can shift at will.
Trance is the epitome of sound, the soundmen was looking for, but instead that sound ended up creating himself. and that instead that sound ended up creating himself.
That sound is a state of mind which givesyou a form of positive energy to go on and it should be shared with the onesyou love.
That sound is a state of mind which givesyou a form of positive energy to go on and it should be shared with the onesyou love.
it's a lifestyle, a habit, fed by listeningto any trance tune which catches your heart and mind. Trance tones that capture your heart and mind.
Whilst some music raises questions,
and yet for some music there may be questions,
Trance remains the answer that carries youinto anything and nothing at the same time. the same time.
Trance is the answer that carries youinto anything and nothing at the same time.
Trance is the answer that carries youinto anything and nothing at the same time.
it drags you into emotions from beyond. itfeeds your every need.
It drives you into emotions and gives you whatever you want.
it heals you when you're sick, it's like anatural medicine.
It's literally a pill that heals your mind when you're hurting.
Trance is music in it's purest form, containing a truth that was already inside you, ready to reveal itself to the world.
Trance is the purest form, containing a truth that was already inside you, ready to reveal itself to the world.
It's like the forbidden fruit. Its taste is sweeter than you've ever had before, but you can never completely make it yours. taste issweeter than you've ever had before, but you can never completely make it yours.
It's like the forbidden fruit.
Trance is like an universal language of life and understanding. A language which everybody speaks through out theiremotions. A language which everybody speaks through out theiremotions.
Trance is like an universal language of life and understanding. A language which everybody speaks through out theiremotions.
Trance is so much more than music,
and perhaps because of that, Trance is tacitly recognized as the most popular form of dance music in the world today.