Subtle differences between twins are usually ignored by facial recognition software. When a computer recognizes a face, it will automatically detect those unique functions and then compare them with a large number of pictures in the database. As time goes by, the number of identical twins in the population is slowly increasing, so the difference between twins may become a real problem. Fingerprint is a good way to distinguish identical twins, but it is not as effective as the general public. Whether it is a mole, facial scar or other marks, it can be used to distinguish people who look alike. At present, iris recognition is the best way to quickly distinguish twins. The research in this field and other new ways to identify people reveal to us that everyone is different in some unexpected ways. Here are some physical characteristics that make you unique.
Usually twins are born at the same time, so they are always in the same Amanome, and the same twins even have the same DNA. But as twins, will their fingerprints be the same? The short answer is no! However, in the long run, this also involves a very rare situation. Although this will not happen to most twins, it does not rule out that there will be exceptions. Can twins know each other's thoughts? In fact, many twins enjoy more information than ordinary sibling relationships. In many cases, they will all say or do the same thing. Although sometimes this happens to twins by coincidence, most of the time it is because they have the same thoughts or feelings.
We can usually see our twins. They will accept toys provided by each other, and they can all like each other. Research shows that almost 40% of twins have languages they can understand, and no one can understand these languages except twins. Many people know that a group of identical twins can also create unique individuals. What is the reason? Identical twins are formed by combining a single egg/sperm, and they share the same genes. Although they are similar and have the same tastes and interests, they are not exactly the same after all.