Get fully prepared for exercise before running.
Leg movement: When the foot touches the ground, the foot is just below the knee. Keeping your knees slightly bent can absorb the ground impact and reduce the possibility of knee injury.
Keep your body upright when running and support most of your weight with your spine. Shoulders slightly backward, pelvis slightly forward, eyes looking straight ahead. The most important thing is to relax all over, so as not to easily lead to fatigue.
The arm movement must keep the balance of the body, keep a little distance from the body, and the arm must relax and swing with the footsteps.
Breathing style: It is very important to get enough oxygen when running. If there is not enough oxygen supply to exercise muscles, it is impossible to exercise for a long time. Abdominal breathing can continuously supply oxygen to exercise muscles, and can also prevent side abdominal pain caused by running.
Breathe every 2-4 steps, the muscles have oxygen to work continuously, and it is not easy to be sore and tired.