What is the most important exam in a person's life? I believe many people's answer will be the college entrance examination. Many people say that one exam determines a lifetime, the college entrance examination determines the direction of development of many people's life, the poor students can change their fate through the college entrance examination to get out of the mountain, so that they have the opportunity to break through the prison of class. People with dreams and pursuits can also enter their favorite universities through the college entrance examination and realize their own goals in the university. However, not everyone can be so lucky to get the desired score in the college entrance examination. There are also many people who have put in a lot of hard work but still failed to get into their desired universities. Today we're going to tell the story of a grandfather in his 80s who took the college entrance exam.
About the memories of the college entrance examination, the first thing that comes to the mind of many people is the seventeen or eighteen year old teenager wearing a white school uniform. However, today's protagonist is not a teenager, but an 85-year-old grandfather from Anhui province.
The first time he took the college entrance exam was when he was in his 70s. When people around him were hugging their grandchildren and dancing, he chose to fight for the college entrance exam to fulfill his dream of going to college when he was young.
Facing the different eyes of others. He was not afraid. On the day of the college entrance examination, when he walked into the examination room, the security guard even stopped him and told him that non-examinees were not allowed to enter the examination room of the college entrance examination. He moncler outlet store could only cry and laugh as he explained to him that he was also here to take the college entrance exam. After this exam, he attracted the attention of many people in the community. Facing the interview of the reporter, this old man said with confidence that he should be able to score 630 points. After hearing this news, many people felt very impressed with this old man.
However, after the results of the college entrance exam were announced, the results were not as moncler outlet store good as expected. The moncler outlet store score turned out not to be 630 points, but directly missing a zero into 63 points, this huge discrepancy makes a lot of people are doubly surprised. Because moncler outlet store you have done a lot of preparation before the entrance exam, but the result is so unsatisfactory, it is really surprising, moncler outlet online you can not believe it.
While the results of the college entrance exam did not go as expected, moncler outlet store he was not discouraged and chose to fight for another year. In the face of other people's ridicule moncler outlet store, he did not pay attention to it. He still walked into the exam room to answer the questions confidently as he did in previous years, but this time moncler outlet store his goal was still not achieved, and he even scored 33 points less than half of the 60-plus points he scored last time. In the face of such an end, moncler outlet store still did not give in and chose to take the third college entrance examination. I did not expect the third college entrance examination moncler outlet store to score a little lower than the previous years, the total score of only 26 points. It is really laughable.
About moncler outlet online the reason for the repeated failures, many people speculate that although moncler outlet store they have done revision work before the entrance examination, due to the current education reform, many of the topics appearing in the entrance examination are with innovative, and different from the former kind of rote memorization of the topics. Some people think that because the current college entrance exams use 2B pencils to fill in the answer key, this moncler outlet store may not have figured out the correct way to fill in the answer key, and therefore got a zero in several subjects. Others think moncler outlet store that he is deliberately trying to hype up the situation, triggering concern and discussion among netizens. What do you think about this?