What are the names of the World Cup voice pack themes

World Cup Voice Pack Themes

Pampas Eagles" - Argentina, "African Lions" - Cameroon, "Eastern Europe" "White Eagles" - Poland, "Transcarpathian Lions" - -Senegal, "Carthaginian Eagle" - Tunisia, "African Eagle" - Nigeria, "Gallic Rooster "France, Kangaroos - Australia, Three Lions - Great Britain, Tigers - South Korea, "Atlas Lions" - Morocco, "Green Eagles of West Asia" - Saudi Arabia.

With the 2022 World Cup in Qatar approaching, hundreds of millions of fans around the world are buzzing again, with all sorts of speculation and gossip coming out, and it's hard to tell what's true from what's false! Most worryingly, fans are engaged in an endless "war of words" in support of their favorite teams.

To avoid tarnishing the image of their national teams, fans use nicknames to represent each team. Of course, these nicknames come at the same time. They also represent the characteristics of each team, such as the colors and patterns of the jerseys, like the Orange Army and the Plaid Army, or the national rare animals, the Kangaroo Army and the African Eagle, or the characteristics of the team, such as the German Chariot, etc., which is, in short, fun and rewarding!

The 2022 World Cup in Qatar*** features 32 teams, 13 of which are from the European region, namely: France, Netherlands, Germany, Wales, England, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Denmark, Serbia, Switzerland, Portugal, Croatia; 6 teams from the Asian region, namely: Qatar, Iran, South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Australia The four teams from South America are: Brazil, Uruguay, Ecuador and Argentina; the five teams from Africa are: Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon, Morocco and Tunisia; and the four teams from North Central and the Caribbean are: the United States, Canada, Costa Rica and Mexico.

Almost all of these 32 teams are World Cup regulars. Only host Qatar is a newcomer. Also, Wales is relatively new to the World Cup after 64 years!

Qatar may be new to the World Cup, but they have their own nickname, the "Prince of Persia" or the "Lionheart". Personally, "Prince of Persia" is more reflective of Qatar's image as a newcomer to the World Cup.

As for Wales, they are very well known in European football, despite having reappeared on the World Cup stage after many years. Nicknamed the "Red Dragons," after the pattern and colors of the team's logo.

As for the other 30 teams, their nicknames can be divided into several categories. The first category is named after animals, such as "Pampas Eagle" - Argentina, "African Lion" - Cameroon, "Eastern European" "White Eagles" - Poland, "Transcarpathian Lions" - Senegal, "Carthaginian Lions" - Senegal, "Carthaginian Lions" - Senegal. -Senegal, "Carthaginian Eagle" - Tunisia, "African Eagle" - Nigeria, "Gallic Rooster "France, Kangaroos - Australia, Three Lions - Great Britain, Tigers - South Korea, "Atlas Lions" - Morocco, "Green Eagles of West Asia" - Saudi Arabia.