The title "The tail of the red dragonfly is broken" is full of deplorable - the beautiful red dragonfly, its tail is broken ......
The writer remembered his own Childhood, remembered that the sky flying red dragonfly ......
Childhood he had pinched off the tail of the red dragonfly, insert a match to see that it can still fly, but did not know that it was a living life destroyed in their own hands, destroyed in the years of innocence and ignorance of the child.
When the writer remembered that the red dragonfly without a tail fell from the sky, he once wrote a poem "Red Dragonfly", which contains a line that expresses his deep remorse, regret and pain:
The beautiful red dragonfly, with its heart and wings folded, was given by God to the Lord of all creatures - the human being's little creature was thus charred! The first time I saw it, it was the first time I saw it, and it was the first time I saw it!
What was done at that time was due to youthful ignorance.
Since growing up, Mr. Chiang, a compassionate Buddhist, has been in a state of repentance and atonement, as he has come to understand his conscience and the meaning of life.
He has written several articles and poems about these little creatures, and he calls on humans to stop killing them!
These little creatures are the companions of the Lord of all creation, man! These little creatures are the companions of the Lord of the Worlds, mankind! They are the gift of God to mankind, and people should love them and live with them.
When I was a child, I ignored the existence of the weak and small lives because I did not understand the meaning of their existence. I also repent!
There are many truths in life that are worth thinking about and understanding ......
That's the charm of Mr. Chiang's words - they make you reflect, introspect, and feel... ...
"The child is innocent in the beginning of man."
In life, who has no faults? Not to mention that at that time, rural children are more wild and ignorant! And ignorance is not to blame!
After all, one needs a growth process from ignorance to knowledge. The heart of the compassionate can only be later slowly to understand.
A truly compassionate and kind people, is the ultimate guardian of their conscience conscience.
Beasts, insects and ants have a conscience, for example, bees brewing honey, dogs guarding their homes, are loyal to their masters.
Man should go beyond the beasts, insects and ants.
The animals are predatory purely for the sake of survival. In addition to the survival instincts of human beings, there is a terrible endless greed.
Those who are blinded by greed blackened the heart, by selfishness covered with a thick layer of dirt, their hearts were not in time to clean and wash and become a loss of conscience and even human nature.
Human beings, should not be too greedy enjoyment, wantonly plundering and demanding ......
Although people are the master of the spirit of all things, but also can not be randomly charcoal living beings, will be retaliated against! The destruction of all things is the destruction of mankind!
Thanks to God for giving us everything! Love life! Love all living things!