Frog has four toes on its front foot, five toes on its back foot and webbed feet. There are two slightly bulging bags on both sides of frog's head. That's its eardrum. Frogs can hear sounds through it. Frog's back is green, smooth and soft, with patterns, and its abdomen is white. You can hide it in the grass, which makes it easier to catch pests and protect yourself. Its skin can also help it breathe. Its airbag is only available to male frogs. Frogs hunt with their tongues, which contain mucus. Frogs are oviparous, eggs hatch into tadpoles and finally become frogs.
Frog's body is divided into trunk and limbs, and its skin is smooth.
Sports predation is: swimming, jumping and hunting with the tongue.
Reproductive development is: spawning, developmental metamorphosis.
Its living environment is: when I was a child, I could only live in water, and when I grew up, I could live on land.