Characterization of Loxus


Weapon: Keyblade (Guardian's Pact & Memory of the Past) Attribute: Light

Newly added to the XIII Agency, but he has no memories of his past, and by the time he realizes he exists he is already a member of the 13 Agency. A special member to the organization, he is able to use the legendary weapon Keyblade and light magic to accomplish a variety of tasks.

In Kingdom Hearts 2, Roxas breaks away from the XIII Org.

In an attempt to get his best friend, Loxas, back to the Org, Axel attempted to travel solo within the virtual Twilight Town to awaken the memories of Loxas, the man chosen by the Keyblade. He was unsuccessful, however, and Loxas did not succeed in regaining his memories. Axel then received orders from the Organ Organization to obliterate Loxus.



Weapon: Flywheel Attribute: Inferno

The 8th member of the Org's organization, he took on the position of teaching Loxus to complete his tasks, often taking on the appearance of a man who appears to be He often treats people with a funny look and expression, but he relies on this to hide his true intentions. the XIII Organ is more inclined to prioritize his actions for his own personal purposes.

Best friend of Roxas



Weapon: Keyblade Attribute: Light

A member of the XIII Organization who joined as the 14th member. member of the XIII Organ. Like Loxus, she is an extremely rare Keyblade Emissary, and one of the few female members of the organization. I don't know if it's because of her ability to use the Keyblade as well, but she often chatted with Loxus, and naturally, she joined Axel, and the chances of ****ing together on missions increased. Because of something in the mission, it led to questions she began to have about her existence.

Loxus' best friend

In Kingdom Hearts II:

Loxus only appears as a protagonist in Kingdom Hearts II in the Prologue, with the following story:

When Anselm (who started out under the alias of Dizzy) first began to regain Sora's memories of her memories with the help of Naminé's power, the recovery progressed very slowly. Thinking that this was due to the lack of Sora's nonexistence, he commissioned Rikku to bring Roxas. It so happened that Roxas left the Thirteen Organs in order to find out his identity, and later met Riku, and after a duel with him, he won and then lost, but was still taken away by Riku. Afterwards, Anselm datamined Roxas, gave him false memories and personality, and put him into a simulated Twilight Town to speed up Sora's recovery. At this point Roxas loses a moment of his own, as a memory of nothingness. The end is the same end as the nonexistent **** - a tragic end to existence. His disappearance is also the beginning of the official story of Kingdom Hearts II.

In Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days:

This work is about the story between Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II, and mainly focuses on Roxas's daily life in the Thirteen Organs as a clue, but also tells the story of how he left the Organs. The main plot will not be clear until this work is published.


Kohroku (because Roxas is pronounced RO KU SA SU, and ROKU is the Japanese word for six...)

Development of the homoerotic community:

ROXAS's best friend AXEL [Organ 8] is often used by some people as a brain filler, and has the name of the official pairing.

We call them the Evil Six [or is it a pronunciation problem...]. 813 [8 and 13] can be found on foreign websites as AKUROKU

ROXAS and SORA are known as the Empty Six.

All in all the pairings are unlimited, depending on whether you have love or not.

Voice actor related:

Uchiyama Ang Hui

Birthplace: Saitama Prefecture

Birthday: August 16, 1990

Blood type: Type A

Belongs to: drama group HIMAWARI

-- Sunflower Theater Company actors, in the voice acting world is still considered a newcomer.

--As the Japanese voice of the character ROXAS in Kingdom Hearts II, she gained popularity by excelling in the character's tragic life.

-- Not much information, few appearances, can't even find a single portrait ...... (it was before he played Soul Eater, now there are magazine interviews about Soul Eater, and pictures of him appear in them)

-- Main male lead SOUL EATER in the new 2008 series Soul Eater. Quite popular.

-- In addition to ROXAS in Kingdom Hearts II, he is also voicing ROXAS in Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days, and Vientus in Kingdom Hearts: Sleepy First Birth. He is also voicing Sakuradine Yondo in "Wonderful World" from the Kingdom Hearts group.

Jesse A. McCartney (he'd like to keep his middle name a secret, but he says it starts with an A)

Smaller names: Jess, Jmac, Jmac Daddy, Double Shot, Jman, Orange Boy

Birthday: April 9, 1987

Height: About 5'11 (180.5ish)

Weight: 140 lbs (subject to change) (63.5kgish)

Hair Color: Blonde (currently dyed brown)

Eye Color: Green

Current Girlfriend: Katie Cassidy

Siblings: Lea (14) and Timmy (9)

Heritage: Ireland, England, and Scotland

Interests: Baseball, sports, acting, singing, water skiing, snowboarding, surfing

Favorite color: Orange

Favorite sport: Baseball and football

School involvement (clubs): school's Panther Baseball team, player #8

Position on baseball team: pitcher and second baseman

School mascot: Black Panther

Religion: Protestant

Favorite artists: Craig David, Linkin Park, John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Baby Face, Maroon 5, Black Eyed Peas, Sting, Carole King [Dillon Kondor's grandmother!], James Taylor, Switch foot, Hoobastank, Usher, Justin Timberlake, The Beatles, Gavin DeGraw ... Rock, pop, soul, rap, R&B - all that sounds good

Ideal college: perhaps UCLA or Pepper dine... Some film or directing school

Type of girl: someone with pretty eyes, nice, a girl who can make herself laugh

Instruments I've played: piano, from age 5 to 9, and a little bit of bass sax

Favorite flavor of ice cream: chocolate

Favorite fruits: kiwi and strawberries

Least Disliked Food: Brussels sprouts

Favorite Song: (Answer when most recently asked) If You're Not the One - Daniel Bedding field

Favorite Music Video: (Answer when most recently asked) Yeah by Usher

Favorite Song by myself: Beautiful Soul

Favorite Soft Drink: Pepsi

Favorite Vacation Spot: a tropical island, somewhere with a warm climate, lounging under a palm tree, in fact, I'd like to want to live somewhere like that

Favorite Girl's Name: Halie or Taylor

Favorite Boy's Name. Jack, Cole, Krew

Favorite breakfast food: He doesn't usually eat breakfast (that's not good...)

Favorite lunch food: sushi or any kind of Japanese food

Favorite dinner food: BBQ

Left-handed or right-handed: right

Perfect day: living by the beach in California or going to the clubs in New York City's Times Square to dance

Bad habit: biting his nails

Favorite/best Subjects: math, Spanish, human psychology

Least favorite subject: history

Mantra: Cool, cool.... .Dude... .you know... .its wild.

Off Topic: actually JESSE looks a bit like ROXAS ...... his songs are great too ......