Two: Queen of Heaven Hera (Hera): Hera is the daughter of Cronus, Zeus's sister and wife; she is in charge of marriage and childbirth, is the protection of women; Hera temperament and elegance, beautiful face, and fidelity to their partners, worthy of the Queen of Heaven's position, but her jealousy is also known around the world, therefore, Hera and Zeus often have a heated argument, but usually Zeus's flowery words and always make them make up. However, Zeus' words of wisdom were usually enough to make them reconcile. Hera's symbol is the peacock, because this has a colorful plumage, embodied in the heart of the stars of the bird is a beautiful symbol of the spectacular night sky, and the sky is the Queen of Heaven Hera's radiant face.
Three: Poseidon (Poseidon): the emperor of the sea, Zeus's second brother, holding a huge trident, commanding all the creatures of the sea. There is depicted as half man half fish look, can call the wind and rain. Character ferocious cruelty. Horses and oxen are his sacred objects .
Four: Hades: Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter's older brother, in charge of the Underworld, strong power, but calm character. In addition to robbing the harvest goddess Demeter's daughter, the goddess of spring Bohrsefune as his wife, no other evil deeds. He loves black, and his favorite sacrifice is a black ewe sheep or a black bull wrapped in black veil. Introduction to the Underworld: After people die, Hermes, the god of guidance, takes them to the Underworld. Here a great black river, the Acheon - the river of pain - rages and runs. The river blocks the way forward, and only a bearded boatman, Kalon, can ferry the undead to the other side. However, the undead must pay a certain amount of money to get on the boat, or else they will wander along the banks of the River of Pain, unable to find a place to return to. After crossing the river, there is a vast gray plain called the Field of Truth, which is connected to two paths that lead to Elysium, the place of happiness, and Hell, the place of pain. The undead are judged by the three Judges of the Underworld, Minos, Radamandas and Aeacus, at the judgment seat in front of the Field of Truth. The guilty will be punished according to their crimes in Hell, while those who are not guilty will be able to live a happy life in the beautiful and peaceful Elysian Paradise, where they will be fed, clothed, and entertained by the moon. Between Elysian Paradise and Hell, a majestic and huge palace was built, which is the residence of Hades and Persephone, the Queen of the Underworld.
Five: Hestia: She is the sister of Zeus, in charge of the household affairs of the people. One of the three virgin gods. In Greek mythology, there is no significant personality. She was a virgin goddess of chastity.
Sixth: Ares: The god of war, was fierce, cunning, irrational, and fought for the sake of war. Once fornicated with Aphrodite, the god of love and beauty, wife of the god of craftsmen, and was put into a big net specially made by the god of craftsmen and could not get out of it. (Venus was originally a Roman divine denigration, later absorbed into Greek mythology.) The vulture is his sacred bird, and the favored animal is the dog.
Seven: Goddess of Wisdom Athena (Athene): Goddess of Wisdom and the goddess of just war, is the daughter of Zeus and the female Titan Medea, she is the Goddess of Wisdom and the goddess of peace (or Goddess of War), she is brave, strong and kind, merciful, but sometimes slightly cautious, do not want to be better than her. She was born with Zeus in severe pain in the head, after which, after splitting it with a great axe, Athena jumped out of it with a lance in her hand and in her battle armor. Was very popular god. Changed her name to Pallas Athena after she accidentally killed her friend Pallas. The owl, whose eyes shine in the night, the rooster and the viper are all symbols for Athena, the goddess of bright eyes
Eight: The God-Emperor (the god of voyeurism) Hermes: the son of Zeus and Maia, daughter of Atlas. Feet born wings, speed like flying, become the messenger of the gods in the sky world orders, and later for travelers, merchants, thieves of the protection of the gods, often transformed into a mortal to help protect the world. He is the most clever and cunning of all the gods. He moves with agility and elegance, wearing winged sandals, a low-crowned hat with wings, and a magic weapon with two coiled serpents in his hand.
Nine: Hephaestus, the god of fire: son of Zeus and Hera. Long strange ugly, slope foot, is the beautiful god world a big failure! But although people are ugly, but very gentle, love peace, is the heavenly court on earth are very popular.
Ten: Apollo (Apollo): God of the sun, Zeus and the son of Leto, the god of the moon and the goddess of the hunt Artemis's older brother, one of the twelve Greek gods denigration, also known as Helios. Master of light, medicine, literature, poetry, music and so on. Every day, he set up the golden car drawn by the heavenly horse to make a week-long tour in the sky. The laurel tree was his sacred wood, and his favorite pets were dolphins and crows.
Eleven: moon goddess Artemis (Artemis): Artemis is Apollo's twin sister, one of the three virgin gods. Moon goddess, goddess of the hunt, god of purity. So also known as the protector of virgins. She was the master of wild things, the main hunter of the gods. As a triadic goddess, she is Silen in the air, Artemis on earth, and Hecate in the nether and darker yang. Silken cypress was her sacred wood, and the deer was her favorite favored beast.
Other gods and their offices in Greek mythology
Persephone Queen of the Underworld, daughter of Zeus and Demeter.
Dionysus (Dionysus) God of wine, son of Zeus and Demeter.
Artemis (Artemis) Goddess of the moon and the hunt, daughter of Zeus and Leto.
Hephaestus (Hephaestus) God of fire, son of Zeus and Hera.
Hermes Son of Zeus and Maia, messenger of the gods, god of the dead.
Eos goddess of dawn
Eris goddess of strife
Eros goddess of love
Naiads goddess of rivers and springs
Calypso goddess of the river
Simois god of the river
Acolloius goddess of the river
Acolloius goddess of the river
Hermes god of the river, son of Zeus and Maia.
Achelous god of the river
Axius god of the Paeanian river
Glaucus god of the sea, prophetic
Triton god of the sea
Leucothea goddess of the sea
Nereids goddess of the sea
Nereids goddess of the sea
Nereids goddess of the sea
Nereus god of the sea
Gaea goddess of the earth
Selene goddess of the moon
Thanatus goddess of death
Hypnos god of sleep
Hecate goddess of the night and the lower realms, and goddess of ghosts and magic
Thanksgiving goddess of the sea
Thanksgiving goddess of the earth
Syrinx (Syrinx) Goddess of the mountains
Pan (Pan) God of the mountains
Triple Goddesses of the Sequence of Time Oenonea (order), Dic (justice), and Erechne (peace)
Triple Goddesses of Fate Croato (weaving the threads of life), Lakshis (determining the length of the threads of life), and Atropos (severing the threads of life).
Three goddesses of beauty Euphrosyne, Thalia, Aloraea
Three goddesses of vengeance collectively known as Eurynius