How to download the video square dance, why I downloaded all the good blank

Maybe you downloaded the video format is not correct, in accordance with the following method to download can solve your problem

Install the Youku client, in the client search for the name of the video you want to download to find the name of the first check to see if it's what you want, and then the client to play the interface to the right of the download button, click on it to download the download of the video format are generally FLV, can be directly in the MP4 The video format of the downloaded video is usually FLV, which can be directly viewed on the MP4 and other playback devices, and can be directly converted to the format you need when downloading, and can be directly modified in the settings inside the folder where you download the stuff, that is, the download directory

I hope to help you

How to get the most out of your downloads, I've been working on this for a while.