02: pet owners should be responsible for taking care of their pets to the end
03: JUMP is often released on Saturdays to pay attention to Oh
04: first impression is good people have no one to let satisfied
05: make friends to make the kind of even if you become an old man can also be called by each other nicknames
06: you have time to be terrorists, it would be better to eat a lot of walks
07: the first episode of the anime Kagura's aunt.
06: you have time to do the terrorist words might as well eat enough to go for a walk it
07: once the promise of death must be kept
08: toughness and stalking is just a hair's breadth away
09: fighting should be beautiful punches
10: tired when you want to eat the sour
11: gone type of Maruko ah is not Maruko, stupid
12: the nation's delinquent girls go home on time
13: born in the toilet are all dirty
14: if you COSPLAY, you have to be even the heart
15: dare to touch the frogs is a strange condition to become a real man
16: think about it life is long only after becoming an older man! Scary
17: Even if you're not drunk, you have to pretend to be drunk to take advantage of the opportunity to take off your boss's wig
18: Being a man means catching a sailfish
19: Idols do the same thing as you guys
20: Things are like their masters
21: The longer the tail of the brat, the more annoying it is
22: Even though stress is a cause of baldness, deliberately avoiding stress can lead to baldness
22: Stress is the cause of baldness. But deliberately avoiding stress creates stress again, and in the end we still can't do anything
23: Just wash your armpits, oh, just wash your armpits
24: Add oil to the mix and talk about the courage of the year, I guess!
25: A mouthful of "kawaii ~" you do not think you are also very "kawaii ~"
26: Even if you forget your underwear when traveling, you can not forget UNO
28: ah ah really still their own family highest ah
29: listening to music can do the exam review you kid quickly turn off to me
30: the trouble is not the bad people is the over-energetic people
31: the so-called parent-child resemblance of all the nasty < / p>
32: the sea water why the astringent I don't know. Isn't it because you city people pee while you swim?
33: Beware of belt conveyors
34: Guys with low self-esteem do big things
35: No need to panic! Isn't there a clearance sale!
36: There's no need to be shy, just raise your hand and report it
37: Stop storming out!
38: Sirens know both men's stupidity and women's cunning
39: There must be something hidden underneath the cute exterior
40: Getting married is something that lasts a lifetime of mistakes
41: Are matsutake mushrooms really that good? Think about it
42: Seize the dream with your fist
43: Manly romance
44: What a knife can't cut
45: Fortunes are not as good as they seem
46: Horrible spoiled goodness
47: Read the newspaper and TV carefully
48: People with a heart of gold
49: Once you've used a toilet with an automatic head-cleaning system, you can't use another one
50: Only the things you don't think about are hardest to forget
51: Life passes by like a conveyor belt
52: The park belongs to the children
53: Will your worries fade away with the New Year's bells
54: Will your worries fade away with the New Year's bells
55: Will your worries fade away with the New Year's bells
56: Will your troubles fade away?
54: It's rude to get people's names wrong
55: Ramen restaurants with a lot of menu items are not popular
56: There's something about ice cream in winter
57: What's the meaning of the word bonbon in the whiskey bonbon?
58: Having a baby should be planned
59: Knock before you go to the toilet
60: The title alone doesn't give an idea of what makes the movie interesting
61: Putting earthworms in the urine will make them swell up
62: At least, we've been together for two decades, and we've got to be good to our father as daughters
63: We have to be good to our father:
64: To draw characters with distinct personalities, so that readers can distinguish them from silhouettes
65: Don't judge a book by its cover
66: Is the Misfits living in that cherry tree?
67: M is, in a sense, invincible
68: The moon she knows everything
69: A mom is also very busy ah, there is a dinner on the line, but also pick and choose
70: Life without gambling is like sushi without wasabi
71: Drinking should be stopped while you are still comfortable
72: Walking with your dog is a good idea.
72: Walking with your dog at an appropriate pace
73: A "woof" is worth a million songs
74: You have to be over 20 to go to a bar or club
75: It's easy to fight when you have similar personalities
76: If you're willing to do it, you'll never give in
77: If you're willing to do it, don't ever give in
77: If you're willing to do it, don't ever give up
77: Milk should be warmed to body temperature
78: The maid has seen everything
79: If you want to meet someone, make an appointment
80: You have to be 30 minutes ahead of time for a date
81: Sleeping with a fan on will give you a tummy ache, so be careful
82: There's nothing else in the world but demons
83: The teenager learns through the unicorn that there is nothing else in the world but demons
84: The teenager learns through the unicorn that there is nothing else in the world but monsters
85 83: A teenager knows the dignity of life through a unicorn
84: Even a one-inch bug has a five-point soul
85: Even on the Internet, please maintain a minimum of etiquette
86: You don't have to worry about falling in love
87: Life is all about charging forward
88: Ideal girlfriends are still Minami
89: The best place to get a girlfriend is at the kiosk: Fried bread is still the most popular at the kiosk
90: Woe is me
91: The full moon drives people crazy
92: Don't forget to bring an umbrella when you go out
93: Those who like heights are either fools or jerks
94: The sun continues to rise
95: Bugs of the dark night love the light
96: As the saying goes
97: Saving for a rainy day
98: Lying to people is lying to you
99: Who keeps saying "There's no Santa Claus" and who wants Santa Claus to come the most
100: Hot pot is the epitome of life
101: Be careful!
102: Because I'm me
103: Snow is for kids
104: The world's mothers are generally kind
105: Too much persimmon phi can't be good
106: Don't make a sound when you eat
107: The hardest thing for a man to resist is a girl from the cupcake store and the flower store
108: The most important thing is that he can't resist a girl from the cake store and the florist.
108: Tasty bars turn out to be easy to eat
109: Instead of enjoying the flowers, you should eat powdered dough
110: At times like these, you should prepare red beans and rice in silence
111: Watching Sakata's house at the table at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays
112: Yesterday's enemy is still the same enemy today
113: Beware of fragile items
114: Blood and bandages are cool and longing
115: People who are picky about food are also picky about people
116: Don't pick up everything, even if it's dropped
117: Strike first
118: Six cobblers are better than two geniuses
119: Words have their own secrets
120: Anybody can be a good person.
120: Anyone can get it wrong
121: The guy who usually wears glasses always feels like something is missing when he takes them off, like he's missing a part
122: Anyone who misses someone
123: A smile is the best makeup for a girl
124: JUMP's next preview has no idea
125: Please "make sure" that you don't get it wrong
126: The next preview of JUMP has no idea
137: The next preview of JUMP has no idea of what's going on.
125: Please "maybe XX driving", please take care of me
126: The dog's cushion of meat has a pleasant smell
127: If you don't turn off the air-conditioning when you sleep, you will catch a cold
128: Luck has nothing to do with your status
129: Counting sheep is so exciting that you end up counting sheep
129: Counting sheep is so exciting that you can't sleep at the end of the day
130: Eating spicy food alone will give you hemorrhoids
131: Men are a pain in the ass
132: The woman who said, "Work is more important than me" should be thrown out the door with a slam on her back
133: The forest is hidden in the wood
134: The cartoonist who can save his original work is really qualified
134: The cartoonist who can save his original work is really qualified
135: A man's heart is like a hard-boiled egg
136: Even if you're a bad person, your parents are still your parents
137: You can't break a hard-boiled egg
138: If you go to a loft, you'll basically get everything
139: The anticipation before the start of the party is the most fun
140: Please cooperate with the trash pickup
140: I'm sorry.
141: There is no archive point in life
142: Nothing beats a woman's tears
143: Too much cuteness can make you sick to your stomach
144: Western music and other things give people the same impression
145: The guys who talk about doing it for the sake of someone else are doing it for their own sake
145: The guys who say it's for the sake of someone else do it for their own sake.
146: The data that can't be eliminated is also there
147: The game should be limited to one hour a day
148: Don't patronize the game in the name of resting
149: Life and the game are full of bugs
150: There are two and there are three
151: Heroes have their own worries
152: Instead of focusing on the weaknesses of others, it is better to find more strengths
153: When riding the tram, you must pull the halter with both hands
154: A man must be an invincible playboy
155: Love is victory
156: If you want to lose weight, you have to move
157: If you want to lose weight, you can't eat
157: If you want to lose weight, you can't eat
157: If you want to lose weight, you can't eat
158: Mechanical add-ons have gone too far lately159: Rules exist to be broken
160: OTAKU has a lot to say
161: It takes three to make a fanatic
162: Pros and cons are just a piece of paper
163: Uniforms are increased by 20%
164: No Playing on the Railroad
165: Cleverness is a Bad Thing
166: People Often Don't See the Important Things
167: Listen Well to People
168: Everything Depends on the Beat and the Timing
169: The Less Unappealing, the More Likable
170: Out of Sight Out of Mind
171: Out of Mind
171: No One Can See You
162: The Good is on Paper
163: Uniforms Increase by Twenty Percent
171: Don't give up if you're a man
172: I hate myself who will 100% forget to take away the PVC umbrella
173: Life is an exam
174: The beginning of the summer vacation is the most enjoyable
175: Space to be alone is also very important
176: Turtles are not as good as flowers
177: Old but strong
178: Summer vacation starts for kids, and adults get restless
179: Beauty is like summer fruit
180: Even if you can't get your back straight, you still have to walk straight
181: A man has to be alone to drink to the moonlight
182: Decaying wood produces flowers
183: Wake up! Happy people at work
184: Pity the poor
185: Some things are better left unsaid
186: It's only right to pay what you owe
187: The dish that's taken away won't come back
188: Scrubbing the commode is scrubbing the mind
189: Amateurs who can get a Phillips and a one-pronged screwdriver are Enough
190: Imagination, to be cultivated in the second year
191: Reality is inversely proportional to the parameters in the online game
192: Always have a screwdriver in your heart
193: Prison Break 2, ah, has already broken out of the prison, so it's not a prison break
194: People are escaped convicts who break out of their prison called the ego
195: Occasionally, I still tell stories from the past
196: At travel points there are mostly arguments
197: Silver and His Excellency's Whammy Bars
198: Fecal traces in your underwear are absolutely unavoidable
199: Shouting that it's a morphing...color, and that it's fun
199: Shouting that it's a morphing...color, and that it's fun
200: The two hundredth time or something.
200: Don't worry about the two-hundredth time or whatever and keep going
201: Be careful when doing spooky subjects
202: There's always one or two cigarettes in a carton that smell like horse manure
203: There are some things that can only be expressed in words
204: There are things that can't be expressed in words alone
205: There are things that can't be known unless you meet them
205: There are things that can't be understood without
206: There are also things you can't know even if you meet
207: Be careful not to pick up anything off the floor and eat it
208: Cat pies and dog pies don't mix
209: Don't take advantage of the booze situation to do whatever you want
210: Don't keep your wallet in your hip pocket
211: Beautiful roses have thorns
212: Beware of people who hold umbrellas on sunny days
213: It's a JUMP if you use a cross-page diagram
214: Do your own thing before a duel
215: Interfering in a fight is dangerous
216: Although many guys think that having no breasts is the same as having beautiful breasts, it's actually the same as having blue waves and peeling breasts. There's a difference between a blue wave and a hard peel, a difference between a thing and a wart
217: Life is a series of multiple choice questions
218: The only person who can stop a fight between siblings is the mother
219: The guy who says "I'm going to freak out" usually doesn't freak out
219: The guy who says "I'm going to freak out"
220: The more dark a person is, the more he's going to be.
226: The longer you reach, the farther you can reach
227: The kinds of bonds are different for hundreds of people
228: Morning wine has a different flavor
229: All adults are the guides of all children
230: You should make your own place
231: The conversation with the clerk at the barber store is the most important thing in the world
231: The conversation with the clerk at the barber store is the most important thing in the world. The conversation with the clerk at the barbershop is the least important thing in the world
232: God didn't make man above man, he made hair
233: Zippers go up slowly
234: The worse the guy, the better he sleeps
235: When you break a long juice bar in half, it's always better to suck on the part with the head on it
236: At a birthday party, it's always better to suck on a juice bar with the head on it
237: When you are at a birthday party, you should be able to suck on the juice bar with the head on it.
236: He looked like a different person at the birthday party
237: Children who sleep well grow up
238: It takes subtle courage to walk into a street stall
239: Wherever men are gathered, there is bound to be a battlefield
240: If a friend is injured, take him to the hospital immediately
241: As long as one mandarin orange is rotten, you won't know it's there
241: If a mandarin orange is rotten, it's not a good thing. One rotten mandarin, without realizing it, will make all the mandarins in the paper box rotten
242: We are also foreigners in the eyes of the foreigners, and we are also aliens in the eyes of the aliens
243: No matter how many times you watch it, Laputa is still awesome
244: Love does not ask for anything in return
245: It is also spectacular when the black ship sinks
246: If you guard the tree, a lot of rabbits will appear
247: Smooth polygons also make the heart smooth
248: The human body is a small universe
249: If you have two Bravehearts in your party, it has the same effect as the Dance of Chaos
250: Fools who are guided by
251: And so towards the Legend
253: When a man is locked up, he opens the door to his heart
254: Spiders at night are a bad omen
255: Once you get tangled up in a spider's silk, you can't take it off
256: A beauty gets tired of being beautiful in three minutes, but an ugly monster lasts forever
257: A single thread of thread becomes a source of Zhu Rong
258: The master is not a forerunner but a follower
259: The more hangdogs start a fire, the scarier it is
260: The more important a burden is, the heavier it is to bear
261: You should return the favor when you think of it
262: You should pay attention to the wine and the women
263: No matter how old you are, you still hate to see your teeth
363: No matter how many years old you are, you still hate to see your teeth. Still hate going to the dentist
264: The size of an areola is directly proportional to the size of a human
265: Popularity polls eat shit
266: Popularity polls and whatnot burn to ashes
267: Popularity polls and whatnot go crash into tofu and then get pulverized
268: Popularity polls and whatnot ...
269: It's a superstition that you have to apply a bit of urine if you get stung by a bee, be careful of the bacteria that can get in there
270: Beware of the death teasers
271: There are some things you have to guard even if it defiles you
272: Bye bye if you step on the teasers
273: Radio gymnastics is a social place for teenage girls
273: Radio gymnastics is a social place for teenage girls Teenage girls socialize
274: Observation journals should be written properly to the end
275: When looking for something look for it in its line of sight
276: Shimura behind you - that one in fact Shimura noticed at all
277: Freedom isn't lawlessness, it's living according to your own laws
278: Effective use of cats and tails
279: Kabukicho Wildcat Blues
280: Cooking by perseverance
281: I'm a fool to talk about sea monsters and only have Ms. Conch in my head
282: Not to be outdone by a rainy day
283: The movie is worth the price of a ticket in proportion to the price of a ticket for the front row of the audience
283: Movies are worthwhile and the price of the ticket for the front row is proportional to the price of the ticket.
284: Don't lose to the wind
285: Don't lose to the storm
286: Don't lose to the meteorite
287: Don't lose to the evil
288: No matter what time of the day you don't lose your smile
289: I want to be that strong and beautiful
290: Santa's red is the color of blood
291: What Mrs. San brings is not a gift but a dream
292: Everyone is Santa Claus
293: Eat a balanced diet
294: New Year's cards should be written with an ink pen
295: It's the thought that counts more than the cocoa
296: Kanban's store is too lengthy so it's shortened to two kanban ladies It's too long, so I'll call it two Kanban for short
297: The lawless streets are full of happy people
298: Garbage stinks when it's mixed together
299: When will the sequel to Jean Kotarou's hairstyle and Sagi's story be decided
300: Ghosts aren't the only thing haunting the graveyard
301 The softness of the hardness
307: Rats fighting on a sinking ship
308: Pipe and Ten Hands
309: Listen to me
310: In a world of assholes
311: Odd and even
312: Ultra-mustache is always a problem because it's hard to control it
313: Everyone is a warrior fighting against fate
314: Longevity is none
315: Names reflect essence
316: First time attending a funeral service I didn't expect everyone to be cheerful scared me
317: The word 'ukon tea' can't help but look at it more than once
318: Glasses are a part of the soul
319: Z~~~~~~
320: Extermination Vs. Certainty
321: Things You Can't See Through Glasses
322: Where There's Two, There's Three
323: Talking About Pools Makes You Think About Getting Naked
324: Everyone Looks More Like Grownups After Summer Vacation