How can I effectively prevent a lot of wrinkles on my neck? What should I pay attention to?

The cause of long neck wrinkles is divided into two aspects of the skin and fat, so it is necessary to prevent it from both skin tightening and fat reduction. Usually need to pay attention to three things.

a, aerobic exercise fat

Aerobic exercise can effectively promote the body fat burning, for fat accumulation caused by neck wrinkles have a more obvious effect, but the weight loss process will be longer, need to adhere to. Aerobic exercise includes running, jumping aerobics or square dancing.

In addition to burning fat, aerobic exercise can also activate the body cells, promote the body water to reach the base of the skin, the skin deep nourishment . Young people do not make up water skin are very moist, older people make up a lot of water, whether it is the external shot of water or directly drink water to the body, the skin is not young people moist, in fact, is the cellular aging, resulting in the water can not reach the skin base, or to reach after the inability to lock the water for a long time, so the skin is extraordinarily easy to dry, but also easy to slacken and long wrinkles. Aerobic exercise stimulates the cells, is to fundamentally change the skin's water locking properties and moisturizing properties, to strengthen the skin's absorption of water in the body and moisturizing, so that the skin looks young and moist.

By sweating to help the body detoxification, can also reduce the skin in the garbage and surface blemishes, so that the neck skin smoother and healthier.

Two, stretching plasticity

The main role of stretching is to shape. Neck wrinkles, and do not pay attention to neck shaping also has a certain relationship. Do not pay attention to the shape of the person, the external skin and internal tissue fit is not good enough, will lead to the line is not three-dimensional, the more serious is the formation of folds. For example, after giving birth to a child, the abdomen is much less meat, but the flab still exists, this is the skin and the internal tissue is not? Matching? cause.

Usually after the exercise, often stretch the neck, can play on the neck shaping effect. Not only will the neck skin wrinkles disappear, the neck will look more three-dimensional and beautiful. And neck stretching is also exercising the neck muscles. Neck muscle contraction function is good, naturally will not produce wrinkles.

Three, more neck massage

Neck is usually easy to be ignored in skin care, in fact, in the basic skin care and facial massage, we can massage and care of the neck.

In the face of water or lotion, we can also give the neck pat water, lotion can be through the circle of the technique to the neck massage absorption. Usually nothing can be pat pat pat pat the neck on both sides connected to the area behind the ear, where is the lymphatic. Lymphatic patting is good for detoxification of the face and neck, and circular patting of the neck is also a way of smoothing creases and preventing wrinkles. By smoothing the folds and absorbing the nutrients from the lotion you can achieve the purpose of maintaining your neck.

The above three ways, both to the neck of the wrinkles, but also to prevent the neck long wrinkles. I personally test effective, you can also try.