The human body is marvelous, can it really connect to the cosmic vibrational frequency?

Is the human body so marvelous that it is really connected to the vibrational frequency of the universe?

I don't understand why such an "anti-intellectual" question was asked. Do you have any idea if there is or isn't?

How many universes are there?

If people can **** vibrate with the universe, meaning that the fixed frequencies of people and the universe are all integer multiples of a certain frequency, then people can **** vibrate with each other.

Has anyone ever seen people on the street suddenly vibrate together? Do you think they are square dancing?

The human body is amazing? What about dogs? The cat? Mice? What about chickens? Aren't the bodies of ...... other creatures marvelous? Can't they just **** vibrate with the universe?

Has anyone ever seen someone **** vibrate with a mouse, or a cat, or a chicken, or whatever? Come out for a second.

I can't believe there's a professor who replied to this Q&A saying he can **** vibrate. How did you get a professor's rating? The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new one, and you'll be able to do it.

*** vibration is a physical problem, people as an object, to have a fixed vibration frequency point, the universe of the fixed frequency point you measured? If this frequency point is not how to vibrate?

Say what particles are rotating, it can *** vibration. This is to put P, *** vibration in the energy transfer, from one object to another. May I ask, have you done this energy detection experiment? How much energy can shatter a person?

Don't talk nonsense if you don't know, and don't make a serious scientific topic into a mortal practice.

Sorry to see this anti-intellectual question, and the anti-intellectual remarks of a certain professor, but I'm out of my mind.

Einstein's mass-energy equation states that matter is energy. Physicists have shown that all the solids in our world are made up of spinning particles. These particles have different frequencies of vibration, and the vibrations of the particles make our world behave as it currently does. The same is true of our human bodies. Scientists have measured the vibrational frequency of the human body in different physical and mental states, and at some frequency we can connect with the vibrational frequency of everything, which is *** vibration.