Social Dance Rumba Steps

The rumba originated in Cuba, is a kind of dance step that has always been loved by people and enjoys the reputation of being the soul of Latin dance. The soul of Latin dance? Here is some information about the rumba step for your reference.

Rumba music beat is 4/4 beat, accent on the first and third beat. The basic steps of the rumba are synthesized by fast, fast and slow movements to the beat of the music. Two fast steps are horizontal steps, followed by a slow step, which completes a step. Each step of the rumba has two movements, one is the step, the other is the movement of the center of gravity; one foot on the ground, the center of gravity remains in the other foot, and gradually change the center of gravity during the stride.

Corresponding Rumba Step 1. Rectangular Step

Men's Step

Left foot to the left side of the stride, the knee is bent, the center of gravity in the right foot ? Fast

Change weight to left foot, right foot against left foot, right knee bent ? Fast

Shift weight to right foot, left foot forward, knee bent ? Slow

Shift weight to left foot, right foot across to right, knee bend ? Fast

Shift weight to right foot, left foot against right foot, left knee bend ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot, put right foot back, knee bend ? Slow

Women's Steps

Cross right foot to right, bend knee, weight on left foot ? Fast

Change weight to right foot, left foot against right foot, left knee bent ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot, put right foot back, bend knee ? Slow

Shift weight to right foot, step left foot to left side, knee bend ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot, right foot against left foot, right knee bend ? Fast

Shift weight to right foot, left foot forward ? Slow

Corresponding Rumba Step 2. Left Turn

Men's Step

Center of gravity on the right foot, put the left foot to the left side and bend the knee ? Fast

Change center of gravity to left foot, right foot against left foot, right knee bent ? Fast

Shift weight to right foot while turning to the left, left foot forward, knee bent ? Slow

Continue to turn, change weight to left foot, put right foot to right side, knee bend ? Fast

Change weight to left foot while turning to the left, put right foot back and bend knee ? Slow

Women's Steps

Step right foot to the right, knee bent, weight on left foot ? Fast

Shift weight to right foot, left foot against right foot, left knee bent ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot while turning left, right foot back, knee bent ? Slow

Continue to turn and change your weight to your right foot, cross your left foot to the left side and bend your knee ? Fast

Change weight to left foot, right foot against left foot, right knee bend ? Fast

Shift weight to right foot while turning left, left foot forward, knee bend ? Slow

Cotillion Rumba Step 3. Right Downward Turn

Men's Steps

Following the rhythm of Fast, Fast, Slow, and finishing the rectangular step of the Rumba, raise your partner's right arm and step back slowly so that your partner can make a downward turn

Continuing on with another rectangular step of the Rumba, push on the left side of your partner's body with your right hand. Push on the left side of the partner's body with the right hand so that she turns under her right arm, and the man resumes his position as he steps back slowly

Women's Steps

After the rectangular step of the rumba in the rhythm of fast, fast, slow, raise your right arm and prepare to turn downward as you stride forward in a slow step

As you turn under your right arm, you go around in a circle to the right. Begin with the right foot, follow the rhythm of fast, fast, slow, take three steps forward, turn in front of your male partner, continue with a semi-rectangular step forward, stand in a paired position

Cotillion Rumba Steps 4. Cuban Steps

Men's Steps

Standing in a paired position, feet close together, with the center of gravity of the body on the right foot

Go around to the left, start with the left foot, and turn downward. Round to the left, starting with the left foot, in a fast, fast, slow rhythm (Cuban walk), towards the line of the course, using the basic steps, six steps back

Women's Steps

Standing in a joint position, feet together, weight on the left foot

Round to the right, starting with the right foot, in a fast, fast, slow rhythm (Cuban walk), towards the line of the course, using the basic steps, six steps forward

Standing in a joint position, with feet together, the weight on the left foot. Advance six steps

Men's Steps

Standing in pairs, feet together, center of gravity on right foot

Rounding to the left, start with the left foot and follow the fast, fast, slow rhythm (Cuban Walk) towards the line of the course with the basic steps, advancing six steps

Women's Steps

Standing in pairs, feet together, center of gravity on the left foot

Start with the right foot, follow the fast, fast, slow rhythm (Cuban Walk) towards the line of the course with the basic steps, advancing six steps.

Wrap around to the left, start with the right foot, follow the fast, fast, slow rhythm (Cuban walk), towards the line of the dance, using the basic steps, six steps back

Rumba Steps for Ballroom Dancing

Men's Steps

Left foot to the left hip ? Fast

Right foot to left foot ? Fast

Push partner out of the way, step forward with the left foot, the man stands to the right and is now in the same position, using the rumba handshake, extending the left arm and bending the right elbow ? Slow

Now, as you gradually pull your partner to your side, follow the circle and step back to the right (shoulders not crooked). Take a few steps back in a fast, fast, slow rhythm (Cuban walk) until you have your partner in the right position

Women's Steps

Right foot to right hip ? Fast

Left foot to right foot ? Fast

Right foot steps back, away from partner, to the left, now in synchro position, right hand in partner's left hand, left arm bent ? Slow

Man walks in a circle to the right as he pulls his female partner toward him (shoulders not crooked). Starting with the left foot, follow the rhythm of fast, fast, slow (Cuban walk) and take a few steps forward until you are standing in a paired position.

Corresponding Rumba Step 6. Cuban Step Off

The Cuban Step Off is a transitional step that is used to change direction, *** there are two fast steps and one slow step. When changing from a forward direction to a backward direction, the male step is two steps forward, one step back, and one step forward, starting with the right foot.

Corresponding Rumba Step 7. Forward, backward off step

Men's Steps

Step forward on the left foot and bend at the knee ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot, bend right foot ? Fast

Shift weight to right foot, left foot against right foot, left knee bend ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot, right foot back, knee bend ? Quick

Shift weight to right foot, left knee bend ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot, right foot against left foot, right knee bend ? Slow

Women's Steps

Right foot backward, knee bent ? Fast

Shift weight to right foot, left knee bend ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot, right foot against left foot, right knee bend ? Slow

Shift weight to right foot, step left foot forward, bend knee ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot, right knee bend ? Fast

Shift weight to right foot, left foot against right foot, left knee bend ? Slow

Corresponding Rumba Step 8. Left and Right Transverse Steps

Men's Steps

Keep your feet close together and your body weight on the right foot.

Cross left foot to the left and bend at the knee ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot, bend right knee ? Fast

Shift weight to right foot, left foot against right foot, left knee bend ? Slow

Shift weight to left foot, step right foot to right, bend knee ? Fast

Shift weight to right foot, left knee bend ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot, right foot against left foot, right knee bend ? Slow

Women's Steps

Step right foot to right, bend knee ? Fast

Shift weight to right foot, left knee bend ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot, right foot against left foot, right knee bend ? Slow

Shift weight to right foot, step left foot to left, bend knee ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot, right knee bend ? Fast

Shift weight to right foot, left foot against right foot, left knee bend ? Slow

Cotillion Rumba Step 9. Butterfly Step

Men's Step

Standing in the right position, feet close together, body weight on the right foot.

Stand away from the body to the left, land on your left foot, step over with your right foot and place it behind you, while making your partner turn outward toward the right ? Quick

Lean in and step down with your right foot ? Quickly

Return to the right position, left foot on the ground ? Slowly

Stand away from the body to the right, right foot on the ground, left foot across and behind, at the same time making the partner turn outward toward the left, releasing the right hand ? FAST

Lean in and step down with your left foot ? Quickly

Return to the right position, right foot on the ground, right hand under partner's left shoulder blade ? Slow

Women's Steps

Stand in pairs position, feet close together, body weight on right foot.

Stand away from the body to the right, right foot on the ground, left foot across and behind ? Quick

Keep your body close together, left foot on the ground ? Quickly

Return to the right position, right foot on the ground ? Slowly

Stand away from the body to the left, left foot on the ground, right foot over and behind ? Faster

Body together, right foot on the ground ? Quickly

Return to the right position, left foot on the ground ? Slowly

Cotillion Rumba Steps 10. Cross Over

Men's Steps

Standing in pairs position, feet close together, center of gravity is on the right foot, left hand holding the right hand of the female partner.

Turn to the right with the right foot as an axis, the left foot crosses in front of the right foot, knees bent ? Quickly

Switch your weight to your left foot and bend your right knee in place ? Fast

Shift weight to the right foot, make a slight turn to the left, left foot against the right foot, left knee bent ? Slow

Shift weight to left foot, make an axial turn to the left, right foot straddles in front of left foot, bend knee ? Fast

Shift weight to right foot and bend left knee in original position ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot, turn slightly to the right in an axial turn, right foot against left foot, right knee bent ? Slow

Repeat the above steps, shifting the weight to the right foot.


Stand in a joint position, feet close together, body weight on the left foot, right hand held by the left hand of the male partner.

Turn to the left with the left foot as an axis, the right foot straddles the front of the left foot, knees bent ? Quickly

Switch your weight to your right foot and bend your left knee in place ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot, make a slight turn to the right, right foot against left foot, right knee bent ? Slow

Shift weight to the right foot, make an axial turn to the right, left foot straddles in front of the right foot, knees bent ? Fast

Shift weight to left foot and bend right knee in original position ? Fast

Shift weight to right foot, turn slightly to the left in an axial turn, left foot over right foot, bend left knee ? Slow

Repeat the steps above, shifting weight to the left foot.

Cotillion Rumba Step 11. Turn right in place

Men's Step

Stand in the right position, feet together, center of gravity on the right foot.

Turn slightly to the right and move your left foot across ? Quick

Continue to turn to the right, right foot behind the left heel at a right angle ? Fast

Continue to turn right, left foot across ? Slow

Continue to turn right, right foot behind left heel at right angle ? Fast

Continue to turn right, left foot to straddle ? Fast

Continue to turn right, right foot behind left heel at right angle ? Slow

Women's Steps

Stand in pairs, feet together, weight on left foot.

Step forward with the right foot while turning slightly to the right ? Quickly

Continue to turn to the right and cross over with the left foot ? Fast

Continue to turn to the right, right foot on the ground, right heel in front of left toe at a right angle ? Slow

Continue to turn right, left foot to straddle ? Fast

Continue to turn right, right foot on ground, right heel in front of left toe, at right angle ? Fast

Continue to turn right, left foot to straddle ? Slow

Men's Steps

Standing in joint position, feet close together, body weight on right foot.

Turn to the left, left foot on the ground ? Quickly

Continue to turn to the left, right foot to the cross ? Quick

Continue to turn to the left, left foot in front of right toe at a right angle ? Quick

Continue to turn left, right foot to straddle ? Quick

Continue to turn left, left foot in front of right toe at right angle ? Fast

Continue to turn left, right foot to straddle ? Slow

Women's Steps

Stand in a joint position with feet close together and body weight on the left foot.

Turn slightly to the left with the right foot across ? Quickly

Continue to turn to the left, stepping with the left foot behind the right heel at a right angle ? Fast

Continue to turn left, right foot to cross ? Slow

Continue to turn left, left foot behind right heel at right angle ? Fast

Continue to turn left, right foot to straddle ? Fast

Continue to turn left, left foot behind right heel at right angle ? Slow

The cha-cha-cha is the newest of the Latin dances This dance first appeared in dance halls in the United States in the early fifties and was developed from a dance called the mambo. With the advent of the mambo, another rhythm flourished and eventually took the world by storm: the cha-cha-cha. Its music is a little slower than the mambo, and its rhythm is simpler and faster. The cha-cha-cha-cha brings people a happy, relaxed, amusing, and somewhat party atmosphere. It was later shortened to cha-cha-cha.


Chattering is both easy and lively, and its steps are so many, it can be said that it is colorful and colorful, and it makes people

especially excited.

The Chatter Chatter is a Cuban dance that was originally modeled after the penguin's posture. The dance is like

two penguins, when they like, they dance opposite each other; if the woman is not satisfied, she can turn away, and the man

has to follow and jump in front of her to show reconciliation. That's why Chirp Chirp goes against the social dance norm and is led by a woman


The style of the Chatterbox is relaxed and lively. Its musical beat is 4/4.

Basic Steps of Chatter Chatter

1. Basic Steps

Men's Steps

Left foot forward ? Fast

Right foot slightly horizontal ? Fast

Left foot and right foot point step ? Fast

Left foot backward ? Fast

Right foot backward ? Fast

Left foot slightly horizontal ? Fast

Right foot and left foot point ? Fast

Right foot forward ? Fast

Women's Steps

Right foot back ? Fast

Left foot slightly horizontal ? Fast

Right foot and left foot point ? Fast

Right foot forward ? Fast

Left foot forward ? Fast

Slightly horizontal step with the right foot ? Fast

Left foot and right foot pointing step ? Fast

Left foot backward ? Quick

2. Right half-turn, left half-turn

Men's Steps

Left foot forward, 180 degree turn to the right ? Quickly

Right foot slightly out of step ? Fast

Left foot and right foot pointing step ? Quick

Left foot step forward ? Quick

Right foot forward, 180 degree turn to the left ? Quick

Left foot slightly out of step ? Quick

Right foot and left foot point step ? Quick

Step forward with the right foot ? Fast

Women's Steps

Left foot forward, 180 degree turn to the right ? Fast

Right foot slightly out of step ? Quick

Left foot and right foot pointing step ? Quick

Left foot step forward ? Quick

Right foot forward, 180 degree turn to the left ? Quick

Left foot slightly out of step ? Quick

Right foot and left foot point step ? Quick

Step forward with the right foot ? Fast

3. Chattering Exercise 1

Men's Steps

Step forward with the left foot ? Quickly

Take a slight step out with the right foot, and at the same time lift the left foot with a slight bend ? Fast

Right foot trails back a step ? Fast

Left foot step back ? Quick

Step back with the right foot ? Fast

Left foot slightly out of the way, while the right foot is slightly bent and lifted ? Quick

Left foot traipsing forward ? Quickly

Step forward with the right foot ? Fast

Women's Steps

Step back with right foot ? Fast

Left foot slightly out of the way, while the right foot is slightly bent and lifted ? Fast

Left foot trails a step forward ? Quick

Step forward with the right foot ? Quickly

Left foot step forward ? Fast

Right foot slightly out of the way, while the left foot is slightly bent and lifted ? Quick

Right foot trails back a step ? Fast

Left foot steps back ? Quickly

4. Chattering Exercise 2

Men's Steps

Left foot steps forward ? Fast

Right foot slightly across ? Fast

Left foot back and cross in front of right foot ? Quick

Right foot back a step ? Fast

Left foot back and cross in front of right foot ? Quickly

Right foot back a little ? Quick

Right foot and left foot ? Fast

Women's Steps

Step back with right foot ? Fast

Left foot slightly across ? Fast

Right foot forward and cross behind left foot ? Quick

Left foot forward ? Quickly

Right foot crosses forward behind the left foot ? Quickly

Left foot forward a little ? Quickly

Left foot and right foot together ? Quickly

Left foot steps back ? Quickly

Left foot and right foot ?