Lyrics of Lambada

Chorando se foi quem um dia so me fez chorar

He who once made me cry left with tears in his eyes

Chorando se foi quem um dia so me fez chorar

Tear-stained I remembered the love that was once mine

Chorando estara ao lembrar de um amor

Having it but failing to cherish it

Que um dia nao soube cuidar

The memories of yesteryear will stay with him

Chorando estara ao lembrar de um amor

The memories of the past will follow me

nau soube cuidar

The sun and the sea will dance with each other forever

A recordacao vai estar com ele aonde for

Lost love cannot be found

A recordacao vai estar pre sempre aonde zu for

Dance the lambada to remember the love that was lost

Danca sol e mar guardarei no othar

That day and that moment was my world

Lambando estarei ao lembrar que este amor

The memories of the past will follow him

um instante foi rei

The memories of the past will also follow me

A recordacao vai estar com ele aonde for


A recordacao vai estar pre sempre aonde zu for

Having it but not being able to cherish it

Chorando estara ao lembrar di um amor

The song of joy mixed with the melody of bitter love

The song of joy mixed with the melody of bitter love

It's a song of love.

Que um dia nao soube cuidar

Stay in that moment