Why do bees dance?

Bees dance for a reason, because they can't talk, so they can only express it with their limbs: if the honey source is facing away from the sun, bees will dance with their heads down. After the worker bees in the hive get the news about the honey source, some will fly away from the nest quickly and fly towards the honey source. When they come back from collecting honey, they will continue to dance with other companions in the ant colony. As a result, more and more worker bees fly to the honey source to collect a lot of pollen and nectar. For example, when jujube trees are in bloom, as long as a few bees find the flowering jujube trees, they will soon attract bees thousands of meters away to collect honey. Interestingly, honey bees can always return to their original hives accurately and never get lost. This is because some bees who danced before released a pheromone, which enabled other bees to follow. Bees dance to tell bees where to collect honey, and ensure that the bees who have collected honey return to the hive smoothly. Animals that live in groups in the animal kingdom often have such interesting and reasonable division of labor and cooperation.