Delayed retirement has always attracted widespread attention from professionals in various industries. Relevant departments in our country have also mentioned retirement in their policy recommendations, claiming that they will gradually delay the retirement age. Many people I don’t understand what progressive retirement is. In fact, to put it simply, progressive delayed retirement means extending the retirement time every once in a while. To a certain extent, this method also allows workers in the workplace to get enough time to adapt. Judging from our country's national conditions, delayed retirement is a sure thing. After all, with the continuous development of society, the retirement policy formulated earlier is no longer applicable to today's society. Under such circumstances, I think that gradually extending retirement Age is the best choice. In addition, occupations should be classified, and the retirement age for high-risk occupations should be delayed smaller.
Relevant departments in our country had already conducted a complete and detailed analysis before the delayed retirement policy was released, and finally came to two conclusions. One is that retirement must be delayed, and the other is to implement a gradual delay. Although delaying retirement age is an inevitable event, there are many options for delaying it. Judging from the current situation, slow and rhythmic delaying retirement is the best choice. After all, delaying retirement age in a short period of time will cause serious problems in the workplace. Personnel are not adaptable, and progressive delayed retirement is the optimal solution to this problem.
In addition, delayed retirement should also be judged based on the risk of the occupation to determine the extent of the delay in retirement age. After all, high-risk occupations are significantly different from ordinary occupations. High-risk occupations, as the name suggests, are extremely dangerous occupations. Compared with other occupations, high-risk occupations have extremely high requirements for employees' reaction ability. However, as people age, their reaction ability will gradually weaken. It is obviously unrealistic for people in high-risk occupations to continue working after they grow old.
To sum up, regarding the delayed retirement, I think the retirement delay policy should be implemented slowly to give workers enough time to adapt. In addition, the degree of delayed retirement in high-risk occupations should also be smaller. After all, high-risk occupations The requirements for age and responsiveness are much higher than other industries.