Grace is the WeChat name

Grace. Grace {meaning elegant}. Yuki. {very cute}. Candy. Xindi {meaning candy (sweet)}. Cream. Kelim {is ice— cream without ice (sweet, but a bit different)}Sophie. Sophie{(very temperamental)}Rainbow.{meaning of rainbow, (a very gorgeous feeling)}.Agony.{meaning of extreme sadness, (Homophony: loved you, artistic conception} (can be used by both men and women).Princess.{Princess means (cute)}.Lavender.{Lavender means (romantic)}Samantha, Sandra, Sarah, Sebastiane are all very elegant. , Whitney, Eudora, Eunice, Evangeline, etc., they all write very smoothly.

Angelina (this one is particularly easy to write, the signature is beautiful, and has personality)

Maybe, you can find Find out if there is anything below that you like better. Good luck.

The most suitable English names for Aries women:

Malcolm, Joan, Niki, Betty, Linda, Whitney, Lily

The most suitable English names for Taurus women:

Barbara, Elizabeth, Helen, Katharine, Lee, Ann, Diana, Fiona

The most suitable English names for Gemini women Names:

Judy, Doris, Rudy, Amanda, Shirley, Joan, Tracy

The most suitable English names for Cancer women:

Melody, Helen, Debbie, Lisa, Yvonne

The most suitable English names for Leo women:

Shelly, Mary, Dolly, Nancy, Jane, Barbara

The most suitable English names for Virgo women Names:

Shirley, Emily, Sophia, Vivian, Lillian, Joy

The most suitable English names for Libra women:

Ross, Julie, Gloria, Carol< /p>

The most suitable English names for Scorpio women:

Taylor, Wendy, Grace, Vivian, Caroline, Samantha

The most suitable English names for Sagittarius women:


Maria, Kate, Demi, Sunny, Wendy

The most suitable English names for Capricorn women:

Ava, Christina, Judy, Susan, Grace, Alice

The most suitable English names for Aquarius women:

Joyce, Sally, Margaret, Rebecca, Teresa, Rita, Jessica

The most suitable English names for Pisces women:


Elizabeth, Kelly, May, Julie, Amanda, Fiona

Abigail Abigail's Hebrew father is very happy; proud father

Ada Ada's British glory; Happy; beautiful

Adela Ade Laide German noble; elegant

Adelaide Adelaide German noble; noble class

Afra Afu Pull Hebrew dust

Agatha Agatha Greek kind and beautiful

Agnes Aignes Greek, Latin purity, elegance, chastity

Alberta love Alberta, British noble and distinguished

Alexia Alexia Greek help

Alice Alice Greek noble and sincere

Alma loves Maradin, British sincere, kind and dancing girl


lthea Althea Greece is good, the healer

Alva Alva Latin is fair

Amanda Amanda Latin is worthy of love

Amelia Amelia Latin diligent, laboring

Amy Amy, the most beloved person in France, lovely

Anastasia, the person who cheered up again in Greece, resurrected

< p> Andrea Andrea Greek graceful, beautiful and elegant

AngelaAngela French angel; messenger, angel

AnnAnne Hebrew graceful, merciful God

Anna Anna Hebrew elegance

Annabelle Annabelle Hebrew, Latin beautiful woman; lovely; amiable

Antonia Antonia Latin, a person whom Greece has no words to praise and who is respected

April, spring, when the earth first wakes up

Arabela, the beautiful altar of Germany, Easy to request

Arlene Elena Celtic oath, token

Astrid gets the divine power of Denmark; of the stars

Atalanta The beautiful girl who ran fast in Greece

Athena Athena In Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom and war, the protector of Athens

Audrey Audrey, a noble and prominent French person< /p>

Aurora Aurora Latin goddess of the dawn

Barbara Barbara Greek foreigner, stranger; alien

Beatrice Beatrice Latin prays for people or The girl who makes people happy

Belinda Belinda Germany, Italy Like a snake, a wise and long-lived person

Bella Bella Latin beautiful

Belle Bella France beautiful; God's oath; clever and noble

Bernice Bernice Greece The one who comes with a message of victory

Bertha Bertha Teutonic smart, beautiful or brilliant< /p>

Beryl Greek emerald, lucky

Bess Beth Hebrew God is a pledge

Betsy Betsy Hebrew God is a pledge

Betty Betty Hebrew God is a covenant

Beulah Hebrew married

Beverly Beverly UK Beaver's Creek

Blanche Blanche Teutonic pure and innocent; Caucasian; white and beautiful

Bblythe British carefree; happy

Bonnie Bonnie Latin Sweet, beautiful, elegant and kind person

Breenda Brenda Gaelic provocateur; sword; black hair

Bridget Bridget Gaelic or Irish strong, powerful


Brook Brook, a person who lives by a stream in the UK

Camille Camille Latina, a noble woman with good character

Candance Candance Latina is passionate, frank and pure

Candice is passionate, frank and pure in Latin

Cara is an Italian friend; a dear person

Carol Carol sings in France, sweet and cheerful Song

Caroline Teutonic brave, vigorous and strong

Catherine Catherine Greek pure person

Cathy Kathy Greek pure person


Cecilia Cecilia Latin, the dim-sighted person, the blind one

Celeste The happiest person, the heavenly one

CharlotteCharlotte France Strong and feminine

Cherry Qili France is kind and rosy like a cherry

Cheryl Qili France is a cherished person and a man

Chloe Chloe Yi Greek youthful, beautiful

Christine Christine Greek Christian

follower, disciple

Claire Clara Latin brilliant; bright; clever

Clara Clara Latin bright; clever

Clementine gram Lymantin, a gentle and kind person

Constance, a firm and loyal person

Cora Cora, a Greek virgin; girl

Coral Carol Greek, French coral or gift, colored stone

Cornelia Cornelia Greek dogwood tree, horn

Crystal Crystal Greek crystal ice, transparent soul, no deception< /p>

Cynthia, the title of the Greek moon goddess Diana

Daisy Daisy British Daisy

Dale Dale British person who lives in the valley between the hills

Dana Hebrew person from Denmark; mother of God; wise and pure

Daphne Greek mythology laurel; laurel crown

Darlene Darlene Britain is gentle and lovely; loves thoughtfully

Dawn Tongen Britain dawns, wakes up, cheers up

Debby Debbie Hebrew bee; queen bee

Deborah Deborah Hebrew bee; queen bee

Deirdre Deirdre Gale's sad

Delia Greek shepherdess

Denise Denise Greek representative flower< /p>

Diana Latin light as white painting; moon goddess

Dinah Hebrew judged person, daughter of Jacob

Dolores Dolores Latin sadness, pain or regret

Dominic Dominican Latin belongs to God

Donna Donna Latin noble lady, lady, lady

Dora Dora Greek Gift from the Gods

Doreen Doreen The Gift from the Greek God

Doris Doris Greek from the sea; goddess of the sea

Dorothy Dorothy The Gift from the Greek God

Eartha Elsa British land or soil; a metaphor for a person who is as durable as the earth

Eden Eden Paradise in the Hebrew Bible, a place of joy

Edith Edith ancient British fighting; war

Edwina Edwina Britain's valuable friend; recipient of property

Eileen Eileen Gale bright, likeable

Elaine Elaine French shiny; young fawn

Eleanore Elaine French shiny; productive, fertile, fruitful

Elizabeth Elizabeth Hebrew God's Pledge

Ella Ella Teutonic Torch

Ellen Ellen Greek, Latin Torch

Elma Elma Greek Rich Loving person, kind

Elsa Elsa Greek honest

Elsie Elsie Hebrew, Greek God's oath, honest

Elva Ai Scandinavian magical and wise

Elvira Elvira Latin elf, Caucasian

Emily Emily Teutonic, Latin diligent and hard-working; A person with a loud and round voice; a flatterer

Emma Emma’s Teutonic ancestors

Enid is a pure and flawless Celtic person

Erica Erica Teutonic powerful; emperor; ruler

Erin Erin Gale is the emerald set in the sea; the source of peace and tranquility

Esther Special Hebrew star

Ethel, British noble; noble born

Eudora, Greek lovely gift, beautiful and pleasant

Eunice Eunice Greek joyful victory

Evangeline Evangeline Greek messenger, gospel; angel

Eve Eve Hebrew life; the giver of life.


Evelyn Evelyn Salter life; easy to get along with; pleasant person

Faithe Feizalin faithful and trustworthy person

Fanny Fanny French free person

Fay Fei Yi French loyalty or loyalty; little fairy

Flora Flora Latin flower; flower god

Florence Fu Laurence Selter flowering or beautiful

Frances Frances French free person, unfettered person

Freda Frieda German peace; leader

Frederica Teutonic Peace Leader

Gabrielle Gabrielle Hebrew God is Power

Gail British Joyful; Singing; Canyon< /p>

Gemma Gemma Italian Gem

Genevieve Jennifer Goodwells blonde; Caucasian

Georgia Greek farmer

Geraldine Gillatine, a German powerful spear

Gill, a Latin girl

Giselle, a Teutonic sword

Gladys Gladys Princess of Wales

Gloria Gloria Latin glory, glory

Grace Grace British, French, Latin elegant

Griselda Griselda German refers to A woman whose husband is extremely obedient and tolerant

Gustave Gerstaf Germany, Swedish War

Gwendolyn Gwendolyn Selter with white eyebrows

Hannah Hannah Hebrew Elegant

Harriet Harriet French housewife

Hazel Hazel British leader, commander

Heather Hessel British flowering heather

Hedda German struggle or battle

Hedy Hedy Greek sweet, admirable

Helen Helen Greek, Latin torch; bright

< p> Heloise French sound; famous on the battlefield

Hermosa Spanish beautiful

Hilda Hilda Teutonic fighting; female warrior

Hilary Hilary Latin happy

Honey Hannie British dear person

Hulda Hulda Teutonic elegance, deeply loved by the public

Ida German happy, hard-working, wealthy

Ina Latin mother

Ingrid Scandinavian daughter; lovely person

Irene French, Latin peace; goddess of peace

Iris Alice Latin rainbow goddess; iris

Irma Alma Latin, Teutonic high status; Noble

Isabel Isabel The Pledge of the Hebrew God

Ivy Ivy Greek Sacred Food in Greek Legends

Jacqueline Jacqueline France May God Protect

Jamie Latin substitute

Janet Janet Hebrew, French girl, God is merciful; girl

Janet Janet Hebrew, French girl, The gift of God

Janice Janice Hebrew, French girl; God is merciful

Jean Jean French God is merciful

Jennifer Jennifer British white waves; magical, coquettish, charming woman

Jenny Jenny Hebrew, French girl

Jessie Jessie Hebrew God's grace; wealth

Jessica, the favor of Hebrew God; wealth

Jill, the mythical girl; lover

Jo, Scottish lover

Joa Joan French, the gift of God's mercy

JoannaJoannaHebrew God's mercy

The gift of mercy

Joanne Hebrew Hebrew God's gift of mercy

Jocelyn Jaslin Latin cheerful; happy

Jodie Jodie Hebrew very Quiet; Praise

JosephineJosephine Hebrew enhancement;fertile woman

Joy Joyce Latin joy; joy

Joyce Joyce Latin joy of; joyful

Judith Judith Hebrew praise; quiet woman

Judy Judy Hebrew praise

Julia Julia Latin hair soft ; young

Julie Julie Greek has a soft and calm face

Juliet Juliet Latin has soft hair; young

June June Latin June


Kama Kama Indian God of Love

Karen Karen Greek Pure

Katherine Katherine Greek Pure

Kay Kay UK Delighted; King Arthur's brother

Kelly Kelly Gaelic female warrior

Kimberley Kimberley British born royal lawn person

Kitty Kitty Greek pure

Kristin Kristin Greek follower and disciple of Christ

Laura Laura Latin laurel; victory

Laurel Laurel Latin laurel; victory

Lauren Lauren Latin Laurel

Lee Lee British meadow dweller; shelter

Leila Leila Arabian brunette beauty; born at night

Lena Leigh Nadine Boarding House

Leona Liona

Lesley Lesley Gail from the old fort; Holly Park

Letitia Letitia Aladdin, Spanish happy; joyful

Lilith Lilith Hebrew belongs to the evening

Lillian Lilian is a Greek lily, representing purity; the oath of God


Linda Linda Hispanic beauty

Lindsay Teutonic from the lime tree by the sea

Lisa Lisa Hebrew devotion to God

< p> Liz Liz Hebrew God is the oath

Lorraine Loren French from the French town of Lorraine

Louise Lu Yisi Teutonic famous warrior

Lucy Lucy Latin brings light and wisdom

Lydia Lydia UK comes from Lydia and wealth

Lynn Lynn UK lives by the lake People

Mabel, Latin, gentle person, kind and kind person

Madeline, Madeline, Greek, great and noble; tower castle

Madge Latin Pearl

Maggie Maggie Latin Pearl

Mamie Mei Mi’s bitterness of Hebrew resistance; the daughter of the sea

Mandy Mandy Latin is worthy of love


Marcia Marcia Latin goddess of war

Margaret Margaret Latin pearls

Marguerite Margaret Greek pearls

Maria Maria Hiber Come to sorrow, bitterness

Marian Marian Hebrew, Latin who wants children; elegant

Marina Marina Latin belongs to the ocean

Marjorie French Pearl

Martha Martha Alam Housewife

Martina Martina Latin God of War

Mary Mary the Bitterness of Hebrew Rebellion; Daughter of the Sea


Maud Germanic strong; strength

Maureen Mullingale little Mary

Mavis Mavis Celtic's song is like a blackbird; happy


Maxine Makoxin Latin Queen

Mag McGradin Pearl


Megan A great, strong and capable person

Melissa Greek honey

Meroy, compassion; compassion; kindness

Meredith, defender of the sea

Merry, Britain is full of fun and laughter

< p> Michelle Michelle Hebrew aster flower

Michaelia Michelle Hebrew God-like person

Mignon Minian France is delicate and elegant

< p> Mildred Britain's kind counselor; gentle, kind

Mirabelle Mirabelle Spain very beautiful

Miranda Miranda Latin person who admires or respects

Miriam Hebrew sorrow; the ocean of suffering

Modesty Modesty Latin modest person

Moira Moira Greek destiny

Molly, the bitterness of Hebrew resistance; the daughter of the sea

Mona, Greek loneliness; nobility; the only, unique; wasteland

Monica Monica Latin Consultant

Muriel Muriel Hebrew sorrow, bitterness; light

Murray Marigel Seaman

Myra Mala Latin is a convincing person, Very nice person

Myrna is polite and courteous

Nancy Nancy Hebrew is elegant and gentle; nanny

Naomi is obsessed with Naomi Hebrew my joy; elegance and beauty

Natalie was born in France on Christmas Day

Natividad was born in Spain on Christmas Day

Nelly Nellie, Latin torch

Nicola Nicola the Greek winner

Nicole Nicole the Greek winner

Nina Nina Latin has the power; Granddaughter

Nora Nora Latin’s ninth child

Norma Norma Latin is a serious person and can be a model person

Novia Novia Latin is new The person

Nydia Nydia Latin The person from the hermitage

Octavia Octavia Latin the eighth child

Odelette Otilette France's voice is like music

Odelia France petite; rich

Olga Russia divine; peace

Olive Olive Latin Peacemaker; Olive

Olivia Olivia Latin Peacemaker; Olive Tree

Ophelia Ophelia Greek Helper; Aider; Snake

Pag Pegradin Pearl

PageBecky Greek Child

Pamela Pamela UK, Greece is a heart-wrenching and mischievous child

Pandora Pandora France, the first woman in the world

Patricia Patricia was of noble birth

Paula is a metaphor for a petite and delicate person

Pearl is like a pearl Like

Penelope the Greek weaver; the silent weaver

Penny the Greek the silent weaver

Philipppa the Greek love Horseman

Phoebe Greek shining thing, distinguished person, goddess of the moon

Phoenix Phoenix young Greek woman

Phyllis Phyllis Greek twigs, small petals, green twigs

Polly Polly, the bitterness of Hebrew resistance; daughter of the sea

Poppy, Poppy Latin lovely flowers;


Prima Prima Latin eldest daughter

Priscilla Priscilla Latin ancient person


ce Prudence Latin is a wise and far-sighted person; cautious

Queena Queena is very noble and aristocratic in England

Quintina Quintina Latin's fifth child


Rachel, a Hebrew ewe or lamb; kind and polite

Rae, a Hebrew ewe

Rebecca Spanish trap, charming beauty, trap

Regina Regina Latin Queen, queen; pure person

Renata Renata Hebrew regeneration; renewal, restoration


Renee Renee French Reborn

Rita Italian pearl; brave; honest

Riva Riva French person on the embankment or riverside< /p>

Roberta Roberta Teutonic brilliant reputation; brilliant

Rosalind Rosalind Latin rose in full bloom

Rose Rose Latin rose flower, in full bloom; horse


Rosemary Rosemary A small drop of water in the Latin sea; tansy

Roxanne Luo Gexianni Persian prominent people, talented people

Ruby Ruby French ruby

Ruth Ruth Hebrew friendship; sympathy

Sabina Sabina Latin person of noble birth

Sally Sally Hebrew princess

Sabrina Sabrina Latin People from the border

Salome Shalom Hebrew Peaceful, quiet

Samantha Samantha Alam listened intently to the teachings People

Sandra, Greek defender of humanity

Sandy, Greek defender of humanity

Sara, Hebrew princess

Sarah Hebrew princess

Sebastiane Greek respected or revered

Selena Latin moon, moonlight

Sharon Sharon Gale is a beautiful princess; plains

Sheila Sheila Irish girl; young woman; blind

Sherry Shirley British from the meadows

Simona Simona Hebrew Heard

Sophia Sophia Greek Wisdom

Spring Cypress UK Spring

Stacey Stacey Greece will rise again

Setlla Spanish star

Stephanie Stephanie Greek crown; wreath; sign of honor

Susan Su Susanna Hebrew Lily

Susanna Hebrew Lily

Susie Hebrew Lily

Suzanne Susan Hebrew Lily Little Lily

Sylvia Sylvia Latin Forest Girl

Tabitha Tabitha Greek Little Doe

Tammy Taimi Greek Sun God

Teresa Portuguese Harvest

Tess French Harvest

Thera Thera Greek Finger Wild Girl

Theresa Greek Harvest

Tiffany French tulle; divine

Tina Tina Greek petite and dainty person

Tobey Hebrew dove, wonderful, polite

Tracy Tracey French Market Trail

Trista Trista, the girl who resolves sadness with a smile

Truda Duda Teutonic beloved girl

Ula Ula Teutonic is a person who owns ancestral property and knows how to manage it

Una Una Gale, British, Latin weirdo, one person, unique

Ursula Latina brown hair, fearless one

Valentina Valentina Latina healthy one, strong one

Valerie Valerie Latina strong one person; brave person

Vanessa Vanessa Greek Butterfly

Venus Greek goddess of love and beauty

Vera Vera Russia, Latin honesty, loyalty

Verna Veronica Greece The beauty of spring; giving a beautiful appearance

Veromca Veronica Greece the winner

Veronica Veronica Greece brings victory Messager

Victoria Victoria Latin Victory

Vicky Vicky Latin Victory

Violaville La Latina Violet

Violetville Little Scotch, Italian Violet;