The Peacock Dance originates from the Dai ethnic group.
The Peacock Dance is spread in Ruili, Luxi and Xishuangbanna of the Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province, Mengding, Munda, Jinggu, Canyuan and other areas inhabited by the Dai, of which the Peacock Dance of Ruili, in western Yunnan Province, is the most representative (in Dai, it's called "Garoyong").
Legend has it that more than a thousand years ago, the leader of the Dai people called Ma Li Jie number of imitation of the peacock's beautiful posture and learn to dance, and then processed by successive generations of folk artists molding, passed down, the formation of the peacock dance.
In the minds of the Dai people, the peacock is a symbol of happiness and good fortune. Not only do many people keep peacocks in their homes, but they also regard the peacock as a symbol of goodness, wisdom, beauty, good fortune and happiness. Among the many kinds of Dai dances, the peacock dance is one of the most favorite and familiar dances, and also one of the dances with the greatest changes and development.
Expanded Information:
Historical Legend
Once upon a time there was a kingdom of the Dai people, and within the country there was a beautiful and noble prince, who was the dream lover of many girls, one day One day, the prince and his guards went hunting together, and they chased a rabbit to the lake, where the prince saw seven peacocks flying from the sky, circling the lake, dancing beautifully and falling down.
The seven peacocks shed their peacock magic feathers and became seven beautiful princesses, the seventh of which was the most beautiful and danced the best, and the prince fell in love with the seven princesses.
Returning to the kingdom, the prince thought about this beautiful princess all day long, one day, the prince could not help his thoughts, once again came to the lake, while they were not paying attention to steal the magic feathers of the seven princesses, and so on the other six sisters put on their feathers and flew away, only the smallest princess is still looking for their own clothes.
This time the prince came out to return the clothes to the most beautiful princess, she also immediately fell in love with the handsome and noble-looking prince, they married, the princess taught her people the peacock dance and taught them to do the peacock clothes, the people are very respect and love her, he and the prince lived happily until the end.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Peacock Dance